Saturday, March 11, 2006

Glock Match

Today I shot in my first Glock Sport Shooting Foundation match. It was a great deal of fun and I intend to shoot in as many more as I can. The course of fire is not difficult the targets are large and the times are generous. The purpose is to get people who have never shot in a match involved in competitive shooting.

Here is the course of fire:

10 rounds at 12 feet in 15 seconds.
10 rounds at 25 feet in 15 seconds.
10 rounds at 50 feet in 15 seconds.
10 rounds at 75 feet in 30 seconds.
5 rounds at 25 feet in 15 seconds.
5 rounds at 50 feet in 15 seconds.

Oh, you'll be wanting to know my score. 404 out of a possible 500. Not great, but nothing to be ashamed of either. If I had shot as well in the match as I do in practice I would have shot a much higher score. The stress of shooting against a timer with an audience takes a toll. This is why competitive shooting is good practice for a gunfight. The stress of competition simulates, albeit imperfectly, the stress of a life or death encounter.