This seems like a good idea. Let them fly the Mexican flag, we'll uphold Old Glory!
“All patriotic Americans who have been concerned (to put it mildly) about the predominance of flags of foreign nations flying at the recent pro-illegal alien marches, and appalled to see the desecration of the American flag by supporters of illegal alien amnesty need to respond to these outrages! You are being asked to participate in a demonstration of patriotism and support for American sovereignty by taking an American flag with you to work, school and everywhere you go this Thursday, April 6, 2006.
“The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps volunteers will participate at the borders!
“How it works is simple: Proudly display an American flag with you wherever you are in public. Small parade style flags on sticks would work best for those who commute by bus or subway and those who walk to work. Carry it with you when you go out for lunch and when you leave work.
“Wear red, white and blue patriotic attire. Fly the American flag at your home. Fly an American flag from your car antenna. Tape an American flag in your car window. The goal is to have Old Glory be given the respect and prominence it deserves and to remind everyone--politicians, illegal aliens and their enablers--that the American flag comes first in this country.
“Folks have been clamoring for a march to respond to the pro-illegal alien amnesty marches. This is a way to make our voices heard, and still meet our responsibilities, working for living, and taking care of our families—instead of rumbling in our streets and wasting law enforcements’ time!
“REMEMBER: John McCain actually has said that “the country has spoken” in favor of amnesty, touting the pro-illegal alien marches as proof to the gutless politicians in Washington DC that a sell-out of American citizenship is OK. So it is imperative that our views be heard! Now is your chance to exercise your citizen clout in an American demonstration of citizen devotion to this great nation. NOW is the time to support the red, white and blue!
“Please pass this message along to everyone you know and every patriotic blogger you can get involved. Contact any patriotic group you belong to. Call, email and fax your local media and talk radio shows. We don't have George Soros to bankroll a publicity campaign. We just have US—loyal citizens of these United States! Stand up for America and Old Glory this Thursday, and TAKE AN AMERICAN FLAG TO WORK!”
Chris Simcox, PresidentMinuteman Civil Defense Corps
Monday, April 03, 2006
A message from the border
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
10:10 PM
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