Sunday, April 09, 2006

Republicans and the Illegals

From The Washington Times:

President Bush yesterday blamed Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid for blocking compromise legislation to overhaul the nation's immigration system, even though the president never endorsed the bill and many of his fellow Republicans openly opposed it.

The question which has so many people puzzled is this. Why are the President and so many Republican congressional leaders so determined to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens when not only the Republican base, but the American public in general, are against it?

In the case of the Democrats it is easy to see why they want to pack as many Mexicans into the country as possible. Votes. By adding Mexicans to the coalition of minorities which make up their party they hope to forge a working majority which will return them to power and keep them there for the next century, at least.

Surprisingly the Republicans think the same thing. They see the Mexicans as a group which can be brought into the Republican tent. Why do they believe this, when Mexican-Americans overwhelmingly vote for Democrats? Well, the Mexican’s are mostly Roman Catholic and Catholics are moving into the Republican Party in large numbers and President Bush had some success in getting Hispanic votes in Texas, pulling over 30% in his last statewide race.

Mexicans are also family oriented. Most of them marry young and have several children. Married adults with children tend to vote Republican in large numbers.

It is unquestionable that Mexican’s embrace of Church and family forms an important part of their worldview. However the temptations which the Democrats are prepared to dangle in front of the Mexican community will almost certainly prove irresistible.

Remember what happened to the Black community. 100 years ago Blacks were church going and family oriented. The illegitimacy rate among Blacks was a little bit higher than for Whites, but was lower than the illegitimacy rate for middle class Whites is today. Today the illegitimacy rate for Blacks is around 60% and is higher than that in some areas. What happened is that the welfare state created incentives for irresponsible behavior.

The payoff for the Party of the Left is a voting block of around 90% for Democrats. That they have destroyed the Black family and turned the Black community into a dependant class spoon fed on a diet of race hatred, victimization and entitlement matters not one bit. That American Blacks once produced leaders like Fredrick Douglass, W.E.B Dubois, George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington and today pathetic jokes like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are what pass for Black leadership is irrelevant. All that matters is that they can be relied upon on Election Day.

The same thing will happen to Mexican illegals if their presence in this nation is legalized. The Republicans will say, “Now that you are legal we invite you to participate in the American Dream through hard work and conservative values”. The Democrats will say, “This land was stolen from your ancestors by White European invaders and you have been oppressed by White racism ever since so you are owed a living in compensation”.

Human nature being what it is the Democrats will win. The newly legal Mexicans will flock to the Jackass Party who will then have a ruling majority that will last well into the next century.

The President should see this, but he is blinded by the success that he had winning Hispanic voters in Texas. However Texas in not like the rest of America. A liberal Texas Democrat would be considered a raving right-wing conservative in Manhattan. What plays in Texas will not play in Blue-State America.

Congressional Republicans should see this but they have developed Washington Myopia, a form of mental illness characterized by an inability to see past the Beltway. This tends to make those who suffer from it slaves to the Washington Post and the New York Times.

The average American living in fly-over country sees the situation clearly. This leads them to oppose amnesty by a large majority. This leads them to demand tough border security and view any proposed “guest worker program” with suspicion.

Will American common sense win out over Washington politics?