Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Why the Libertarians don't matter

From a press release by the Libertarian Party:

"The American people should be wary of the Bush Administration's mounting rhetoric against Iran," stated Michael Dixon, chairman of the Libertarian Party. "If you treat someone as your enemy, they will be your enemy. It's time for the Bush administration to take a grown-up approach to foreign policy and stop playing the schoolyard bully."

The Libertarian Party understands the importance of a strong national defense; however it is rational enough to oppose preemptive warfare. This stance is clearly written within the party's platform: "The United States should not inject itself
into the internal matters of other nations, unless they have declared war upon or attacked the United States, or the U.S. is already in a constitutionally declared war with them."

Chairman Dixon continued by saying, "I stand by the Libertarian Party's platform and encourage the rest of America to do the same. We need reason within our nation, not rhetoric."

This is why the Libertarian Party is not to be taken seriously and I’m speaking as one who used to be a card carrying, dues paying member.

It always amazes me how some people (most people) are unable or unwilling to learn from history. If England and France had listened to Churchill and mobilized against Germany when Hitler first began rattling his saber his government would have fallen and there would have been no WWII and no Holocaust.

It seems that hardly a day goes by without some new revelation about the connections between al-Qaeda and Iraq. We now have a credible report that Saddam moved a substantial stockpile of chemical weapons to Syria and we know for a fact that he had active plans to restart his nuclear weapons program.

This doesn’t even begin to address the suffering the Iraqi people were enduring under Saddam’s rule.

Now we are told that we should make nice with Iran, which is deeply involved in developing nuclear weapons, on the theory that if we treat someone as an enemy they will be an enemy. Presumably if we treat them as friends they will be our friend.

Notice the complete disconnection with reality. Not even a hint of acknowledgment that Iran’s President (who is the wholly owned creature of the mullahs who really run the country and who could not say one word without their approval) is an insane fanatic who believes that the Muslim Messiah will return if only he can create enough chaos in the world (like by nuking Israel, say). He is a man who thinks that it would be a good thing if Israel nuked Iran in return because any Muslim who perished in that Jewish retaliatory strike would instantly go to Paradise and get his 72 virgins.

We should take no action to prevent a nation which is ruled by the criminally insane from getting weapons which can kill millions at a pop. All because, “warfare is the health of the state”. Well a 20 kiloton. airburst is the death of a city.