Wednesday, May 10, 2006

More problems for the left

There is a short piece on The American Thinker detailing one more problem for the Democrat Party. They are losing the middle class.

Writer Clarice Feldman says:

As I posted elsewhere, they are now the party of rich elitists, working with the loony left to cater to the losers at the cost of the middle class.

This is obvious when you think about it. Who are the Democrat's most visible supporters? Wealthy Hollywood actors, billionaires like George Soros and elite millionaire political families like the Kennedys.

These elites form partnerships with the kind of men that Walter Williams terms “poverty pimps”. Men like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. In exchange for delivering as much as 90% of the Black vote as a block these hucksters get a place at the table when the political spoils are divided. They get other perks as well. Jesse Jackson’s son was handed a multi-million dollar Budweiser distributorship.

Of course the programs that these hustlers advocate keep a great many Black people poor, under educated and dependant on government, but that’s the idea. Now throw in all the other race based victim groups, like the Latinos. What do they get for swallowing the Democrat line? How about the enshrinement of bilingual education so that a large percentage of Hispanic children will be forever condemned to the margins of society.

Why do Hispanic “leaders” want their people marginalized? Because it is far easier to sell the “Gringos stole our land and now they’re oppressing us” line to ignorant embittered peons whose entire lives will consist of cleaning the pools and mowing the lawns of White men.

Then there are the pathological America haters. These are almost always children of privilege who feel a massive sense of guilt that they have so much more than so many others. Of course the guilt isn’t so great that they give away their wealth to the poor and lead simple lives working with their hands. It never occurs to these parasites (they almost never create anything of value – bad poetry, bad books, bad art, bad music and abysmally stupid psychological, sociological or political theories do not count) that America has earned its wealth through hard work and the genius of free markets and the rule of law.

Is it any wonder that the middle class is rebelling against this collation of fiscal tapeworms? All of the elite’s pipe dreams are financed by confiscatory income taxes which fall upon the productive class. There is, after all, no tax upon accumulated wealth and the tax code has been tinkered with to the effect that the poor pay almost nothing. The money has to come from somewhere, doesn’t it?