The great G. Gordon Liddy has taken to saying that anyone whose elected representative who supports amnesty for alien criminals should refrain from voting this November. Just a couple of days I was on the phone with my oldest friend who expressed the same sentiment. He feels that the Republicans simply do not deserve to continue in power and he hopes that they lose the House, Senate and White House.
I understand the sentiment. The Republicans, especially the Senate and the President, have been major disappointments. Their support for amnesty for the alien criminal invaders is nothing short of cold-blooded treason. If they get their way it will literally destroy the United States.
However I cannot share their desire to see the Republicans lose power. Face it; we have two choices Republican and Democrat. That’s it; the Libertarians do not stand a chance, the Constitution Party does not stand a chance, the Green Party does not stand a chance. NO third party stands a chance.
If the Republicans lose power the Democrats will gain power. Let’s think about what that would mean.
Immigration: Democrats want amnesty for alien criminals even more than RINO Republicans like evil John McCain. Democrats know that the bribes that they can offer new brown citizens are far more attractive than the ones that Republicans will be able to offer. This will mean that tens of millions of new votes will be going Democrat and this will be enough to keep them in power for at least a century. The effect of this will be to keep even a renewed and reformed Republican Party from regaining power ever again on a national scale.
The Federal Judiciary: Democrats will appoint judges to the federal bench in the mold of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Knock Republicans out of power and you can look forward to having a Supreme Court hand picked by Barry Lynn of the ACLU.
Gun Control: Pro Second Amendment activist have made enormous gains in the past couple of decades. 39 or 40 states have shall-issue concealed carry laws and the Castle Doctrine is sweeping the nation in the same way. The Brady Bill was allowed to sunset and the BATFE is, for the most part, being held on a tight leash. Give Democrats power and you can kiss all that goodbye. The Brady Bill will be back with a vengeance. A Supreme Court drawn from the ranks of ACLU lawyers will jump at the first chance to rule that the 2nd Amendment applies only to the National Guard and technologies like bullet stamping and “smart gun” will be mandated. Kiss any liability protection for the Firearms industry goodbye as well. You want New Jersey style gun control for the entire nation? Vote any way other than Republican and you will get it.
Taxes, Oil and the Economy: The tax cuts will be history. Tax increases will be the order of the day. The economic recovery that we are experiencing will turn back to recession. Windfall Profits Taxes on oil companies will drive the price of oil up. Failure to drill for our domestic oil will keep the supply down and the price up. Failure to build new refineries will keep supply tight and prices up. Failure to utilize nuclear power will keep demand up and prices up. Liberal boondoggles like ethanol will suck up taxpayer’s money while doing nothing to solve the problem. Increased environmental regulation will continue to drive business overseas and keep prices up.
National Security and Defense: Does anyone trust Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry or any other possible Democrat presidential candidate to deal with the Iranian nuclear weapons program? Does anyone trust any of them to continue to fight the war in Iraq through to victory? The Democratic Party, with the very rare exception like Joe Lieberman, is doing everything in its power to drag the nation back to a 9/10 mindset. If you want that to happen fail to vote Republican.
To sum up. If you want to register your guns as a prelude to confiscation sit home on Election Day or vote for a third party. If you want to pay $5.00 for a gallon of gas sit home on Election Day or vote for a third party. If you want Saddam to regain this throne and Islamofascists to have the bomb sit home on Election Day or vote for a third party. If you want Barry Lynn on the Supreme Court, if you want socialized medicine (Hillary Care) so that a trip to the doctor is as pleasant as a trip to the DMV, if you like San Francisco style “smart growth” zoning, if you want the top marginal income tax rate to go back above 60%, If you love affirmative action and think that Al Sharpton should be setting the nation’s policies on race, if you want the US to sign the Kyoto treaty, if you want the UN General Assembly to have more power over the United States than the US House of Representatives go ahead and vote for a Democrat, a third party or sit home on Election Day.
The current crop of elected Republican politicians is a disappointment, the Senate Republicans especially so. In fact most of them deserve to be cattle prodded onto the next garbage scow headed for Cuba so the Castro can deal with them (he deserves it).
But none of this changes the fact that they are still better than the realistic alternative. The lesser evil is still evil, but it is also still lesser.
There is one possible exception to this. Polls right now suggest that if a third party candidate were to run on an immigration reform platform he would tie the Democrat and far outstrip the Republican. If this trend continues into the election season it could very well be possible to elect a Constitution Party president and a Republican congress. This would be the best possible outcome. I do not think it likely, though. As we get closer to November ’08 and people start paying attention to the actual candidates rather than to generic candidates the race will return to the standard Republican/Democrat horserace.
But it is nice to think about.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Throw the bums out?
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
12:07 PM
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