Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The worst president

Of all the secular activities which edify the human spirit, uplift the mind and bring pure joy to the heart the three which stand head and shoulders above all others are these.

Spending time with those we dearly love.

The use of firearms in hunting, target shooting or practicing for self defense.

Heaping scorn on national embarrassment James Earl Carter.

In the interest of the third goal I offer the following, from The American Thinker:

After flunking as president, Jimmy Carter has now become an unalloyed embarassment. As president Carter almost managed to drive the US economy off the road, with the highest combined inflation and unemployment rate in a half century. Even worse, it was Carter who brought Ayatollah Khomeini to
power, by refusing to support the pro-American Shah of Iran. Needless to say, Khomeini quickly created the first major Islamofascist government in modern times, which has terrorized Iranians and indoctrinated hundreds of thousands of
people in the ideology of suicide martyrdom. The Khomeinist regime is now on the verge of getting nuclear weapons.

That is a sample, but there is so much more.

Mr. Carter, or Jimmah as he prefers to be called in his simple-minded way, stands almost unique in American history as a president about whom nothing good can be said. I lived through the Carter presidency and I must say that I do owe him one debt. Thanks to him there is no chance that I will ever become a Democrat.