Friday, June 16, 2006

Hadji Girl Update

Allahpundit posts this on Hot Air:

Just received an e-mail from a credible source who encourages Cpl. Belile’s defenders to keep up the pressure:

I just got off the phone with [a source in the Pentagon]. The Cpl. reported to me that they were all VERY appreciative of the support and that this was a “Brass” decision… He said they were already getting calls and that it was helping, but they needed to get a lot more to make a difference. It really is helping the Marines to know that they are not alone and that not everyone hates them… He said these calls were making everyone’s day.

I have emailed “The Sweater Kittens” and offered to assist them with any legal representation (should it be required) and highly suggest that the Milbloggers and others make this a STRONGLY CONTESTED issue with the USMC Pentagon bureaucrats for the next week or so. Evidently, according to what I’m being told, how this situation turns out will have far reaching implications within the USMC and with the Marines who are forward deployed. It seems they are discussing a possible new “PC Policy” now for the Marines.

This sucks and I’m willing to go to the mat to fight on this. If we don’t, we’re going to be overrun with a level of PC that will completely destroy the Constitution.

Here’s the contact info from today’s Vent:

Commandant of the Marine CorpsPhone:
(703) 614-1034
Fax: (703) 614-2358

Let's do this. Cpl. Belile and his band didn't do one damn thing wrong. To think that they could not only face disciplinary action but that this could affect the entire Marine Corps is absolutely unacceptable.

Contact the Commandant and let him know that you support the Cpl. Belile and the entire Corps. Urge him not to take action based on the complaints of our enemies. Be polite and concise and give a name, address (physical as well as email) and telephone number.

The Marine Corps is out there every fraking day fighting, and sometimes dying, for the American people. We can damned well stand up for them when they need us.