Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Highland Games, Part 2

As I was saying before Blogger stopped letting me upload photos, Hunting McLeod was very good.

Hunting McLeod is from Canada, but we won't hold it against them.

This lass wasn't the only one dancing, but she was the best looking and the best dressed.

This picture and the next is MacTalla Mor.

One thing I noticed was that every band there had a song written for and dedicated either to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan or to the victims of 9/11.

Celts are very patriotic.

The Blair Band from Charlotte was also there. I didn't get too many pictures of them because my last pair of batteries was fading out at this point.

Here's another one of the Blair Band.

Finally, The Killdares were the hit of the Games this year.

Blogger isn't letting me upload any more pictures for this post so I'll continue with another a little later in the morning.