From FrontPage Magazine:
Hardly had Israeli jets crossed Lebanese airspace last week, in belated retaliation against Hezbollah terrorists to match the ongoing battle against Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, then the Jewish state's detractors on the far Left launched their smear offensive.
Literally within hours of Israeli strikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, the left-wing blogoshpere was atwitter with talk of a looming " Israeli quagmire." Israeli defense strategists had given no indication that a formal occupation was their intention, but that failed to restrain the keyboard commandos from condemning the Israeli Defense Forces' supposed lack of an “exist strategy." In what may well be a record in the annals of left-wing defeatism, Israel had lost the war before it had even begun.
The reliably unhinged Juan Cole, giving voice to another popular reaction on the anti-Israel amen corner on his Informed Comment blog, denounced the Israeli attacks "despicable," and added that "[t]he Israelis are actually talking about causing 'pain to the Lebanese.'" Conveniently, Cole provided no source for the incriminating quote. Nor was there any merit to the charge. . .
Rather than confronting the bare fact of Hamas and Hezbollah's relentless aggression, left-wing commentators indulged their sizeable penchant for conspiracy theorizing. Thus Juan Cole stated his confidence that the Israeli attacks were premeditated, writing that "it is clear that the withdrawal of Syria from Lebanon has given an opening to Israeli hawks to invade Lebanese territory again." Cole could not be troubled to explain why Israel waited more than a year after Syria's May 2005 withdrawal to carry out its alleged plan.
Where conspiracy theories ended, the far-Left's notorious double standard for Israel and its terrorist enemies began. Writing in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sandy Tolan, a professor in the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California-Berkeley, was full of spleen against "extreme Israeli measures in the name of security." But if Palestinian terrorists deserved any blame for the current conflagration--and it was unclear from Tolan's op-ed that they did--it was for the trivial offense of lobbing the occasional "crude Qassam rocket falling harmlessly, far from its target." By contrast, Israel stood convicted of allowing "hundreds of shells [to] rain down on the Palestinians." Such mitigating details as the distinction between defensive strikes on terrorist targets and an intentional murder campaign against Israeli civilians did not intrude on Tolan's David vs. Goliath narrative.
Nowhere was the far Left's glorification of terrorism and reflexive hostility to Israel more transparent than on its ideologically affiliated blogs. Posters on the DailyKos continued that site's well-documented dalliance with political extremism, with perhaps the most inflammatory entry asking readers to "imagine a world without Israel." (It's impossible to imagine the Kossacks wishing for a world without Palestinian terrorism.)
Superficial differences notwithstanding, the far-Left's response to Israel's two-pronged military campaign has been informed by one unifying theme: the Jewish state has no right to defend itself against the terrorists openly seeking its destruction. This consensus is not entirely to be regretted. As their country opens a new front to vanquish a terrorist foe, Israelis can take some comfort in the understanding that, in the streets of Gaza and southern Lebanon as on countless blogs and op-ed pages, their enemies remain the same.
The Left is, if nothing else, consistent. They appeased Hitler. They made common cause with communist tyrants (after their brief – Truman, Kennedy, Johnson – period of anti-communism, which they were never comfortable with) and now they are salivating at the prospect of a win by the Islamofascists.
Their hatred of the West, of their Judeo-Christian heritage, of the nations and culture which birthed them and made them free and prosperous is really, when you get down to basics, a self-hatred.
I wish they would face up to that fact and either get some counseling or blow their fraking brains out. One way or the other they would leave the rest of us alone and let us get on with rescuing the free world from the latest barbarian invasion.
Monday, July 17, 2006
The song remains the same
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
3:26 PM
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