Thursday, July 06, 2006

Turning 60 brings no wisdom

From Michelle Malkin:

Yes, it's true. The White House top aide is going to break bread with the open borders zealots of La Raza.

No surprise.

They'd rather ignore
The Truth About La Raza and sell us out in their quixotic pursuit of the mythical "Hispanic vote."

For anyone who doesn't know La Raza (The Race) is one of the most militant of the Hispanic organizations supporting illegal immigration. They regard the Mexican presence in the US as a form of colonization which will lead to the "reconquest" of the American Southwest and its being reintegrated into Mexico.

This kind of thing will make it orders of magnitude more difficult for Mr. Bush's head-in-the-sand-stick-your-fingers-in-your-ears-and-hum-real-loud defenders.

There is simply no way that Mexican-Americans are going to vote Republican in numbers large enough to matter. If fact they will add their votes to the other groups which make up the Democrat Party and give them a majority which will endure into the 23rd Century.

If anyone has any ideas on how to convince the president of that sad fact please share them with the group.