Fjordman has a good essay on Europe's problem with mass Muslim immigration up on The Brussles Journal. This part struck my eye in particular:Besides, it is not clear whether experiences from the USA, Canada or Australia can easily be transferred to Europe. The colonization of and immigration to these countries was indeed violent and unacceptable by today’s moral standards. To put it in a brutal way: A country can only become a “successful immigration society” if the indigenous population has been marginalized. In the USA today, only about 3% of the population is made up of Native Americans; the rest are all descendants of immigrants.
It is wrong to compare Europeans with European Americans, Europeans should rather be compared with Native Americans. Europeans are our own Indians. When Europeans dig in the earth to uncover archaeological finds, we are finding traces of our own ancestors [Fjordman is a European - LC]. All our folklore, culture and history are intimately tied to the land. Which is why the current immigration could lead to a string of civil wars, as the indigenous Europeans will not in the long run put up with being displaced in their own countries.
This is a very good point and it is happening in Europe today. As more and more Muslims flock to European nations they increasingly demand not only the right to govern themselves free of native European interference, but that the native Europeans adapt themselves to Muslim sensibilities. In the Cartoon Jihad and the murder of Theo van Gough Europeans are expected to end their tradition of free speech or face the consequences. In many parts of Europe non-Muslim girls are under enormous pressure to adopt Muslim headscarves and “modest” dress in order to avoid harassment and even assault at the hands of young Muslim men.
In public schools across Europe non-Muslim students are being forbidden (by school administrators) from wearing Christian or Jewish symbols so as not to enrage Muslim students. Teachers are avoiding any teaching of the Holocaust for the same reason.
There is a word for this; dhimmitude. Dhimmitude is the condition of deliberate calculated humiliation which is imposed by the Islamic masters upon a conquered population. Native European populations are more and more being subjected to dhimmitude within their own nations by an immigrant Muslim population which views their immigration as a form of colonization and conquest.
Europe has a window of opportunity to save itself, but it almost certainly lacks the will to do what is required. What would be needed to bring Europe back from the brink would be the mass expulsion of their Muslim population, including the native born children and even grandchildren of Muslim immigrants.
It is highly likely that any move to mass deportations would result in civil war as the Muslim populations fought to retain not only their residence, but their domination of the European societies. It is unlikely that European military organizations would be up to the task on their own. They are small, under funded and neglected and do not enjoy the respect of their countrymen. In order to effect the removal of the Muslim elements of their populations and safeguard the lives of their native citizens European governments would have to repeal laws against citizens owning and carrying firearms.
Europe’s citizens would have to be willing to take up arms, learn their use and be willing to keep them on their persons at all times when outside the home (and within arms reach when inside the home) just as the citizens of Israel do.
I find it exceedingly hard to picture Europe doing this, but it could be done. The decision, at this time, is Europe’s. In the near future the decision will no longer be theirs. The Muslim majorities which are forming in almost every nation of Western Europe will be the ones in the driver’s seat then.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
We know who the "cowboys" will be
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
8:02 PM
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