Driving home today I caught the very last of Sean Hannity interviewing Catherine Moy and Melanie Morgan about their book American Morning, which is in part about moonbat "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan. It seems that Sheehan had an affair with Lew Rockwell a little while back. Rockwell is married and at the time of the affair Sheehan was as well. I came home and did a little digging around on the 'net and found this from Saber Point:
I've known for some time now that the so-called paleo-conservatives are in bed with the far left. However, I had no idea how extensive the problem has become.
It came out this week that Lew Rockwell, the political schizophrenic who runs lewrockwell.com, has been knocking knees with peace activist Cindy Sheehan.
Rockwell was once a respected voice in the conservative community, regularly interviewed on conservative talk radio. He also regularly wrote political opinion pieces that were published in the main stream media. Then he went weird on us, just after 9/11 happened. He morphed into a peacenik and buddy of the far left. His political positions slid rapidly leftward. He stopped being interviewed on conservative talk radio and I haven't seen any articles from him in several years.
I actually met Lew Rockwell once, and sat next to him at dinner at a meeting in San Mateo of the John Randolph Society. This was ten years ago or more. I noticed then that he was a vegetarian and I kidded him about whether he actually was a conservative, based on his choice of vittles. I thought I was kidding, but I must have been on to something.
This past week it came out that Lew and Cindy have been doing the horizontal polka. They met in an internet chat room and learned there is no more powerful an aphrodisiac than a shared hatred of America.
The story was backed up on Free Republic:Cindy Sheehan packed her bags and left Crawford ,Texas, Tuesday afternoon and arrived home in Berkeley, Ca. late Tuesday evening. Sheehan rushed back to do damage control after explosive information became public today about an alleged affair that began while she was still married to her husband Patrick, and after her son Casey Sheehan died in Sadr City, Iraq attempting to rescue members of his trapped squad.
Sources are telling authors Melanie Morgan and Catherine Moy, (American
Mourning, Cumberland Press) that Sheehan is furious that the news of her affair has gone public. Sources have identified the boyfriend as former right-winger Lew Rockwell of the Ludwig Von Mises think tank located in Alabama, who is himself married.
This is not a joke. I literally gagged when I heard those two women on Hannity's show talk about some man actually having sex with Cindy Sheehan.
I can remember when Rockwell was a conservative. In fact he once wrote a piece for Reason magazine in which he made the case that the whole libertarian movement was a part of the political right.
After 9/11 I noticed that he was drifting to the left and had made an alliance with the nutjob who runs Anti-War.com. It was at that point that I unsubscribed to the daily feed from his website and put him out of my mind.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Don't read unless you have a strong stomach
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
7:10 PM
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