Michelle Malkin took a minute yesterday to respond to the latest nutjob attack upon her involving a photoshoped picture which "proves" her hypocrisy. You can go read the post for details with links.What drives Michelle's detractors into paroxysms of foaming madness is the fact that she is both a woman and a minority. It is bad enough when a male minority like Michael Steele or a woman like Ann Coulter wanders off the plantation but when a “two-striker” like Michelle jumps ship it is intolerable.
Members if minority groups need to think carefully about this. When a minority takes control of his/her own life and achieves success through hard work and intelligence (rather than having his living handed to him as a part of some racial spoils system) they tend to be Republicans.
Even Colin Powell, whose political and social views place him a bit to the left of center could only be a Republican after rising to the pinnacle of the most ridged meritocracy in American society, the military.
If you are a minority the Democrat Party wants you in one of three situations:
One, they want you poor and ignorant so that you will depend on government handouts for life. This way you will always vote for the political party which promises to increase the handouts. If anyone ever suggests that you might be able to take care of yourself if you stopped making bad life choices they must be demonized as cruel and greedy.
Two, they want you educated and affluent, but always chained to the stigma of affirmative action. They want college admission policies to be geared to admit you at a level just one or two notches above the level at which you have a good chance of functioning successfully. If you and your White classmate have identical academic records which indicate that the both of you would be well suited for success at state college he will be accepted into state college where he will most likely do well and you will be shunted into the Ivy League where you will most likely find yourself out of your depth. Of course you can take advantage of a “minority studies” program set up to give you a pathway to graduation.
If you manage to graduate you will face a business world which will most likely regard you as a highly desired commodity because of their need to fill affirmative action slots in their executive corps. Of course their initial view of you will be that you only got into Rutgers or Dartmouth because of your race and you will find yourself becoming the new Affirmative Action Compliance Officer” and your most challenging duty will be to plan your companies Black History Month tribute.
Of course you might be smart and hardworking and dedicated and prove yourself to be a true asset to your company and so find promotion into the highest levels. But in that case you will probably become a Republican once you realize how much Democrat tax policy will cost you.
Three, if you have the ambition, the smarts and the ruthlessness they want you in the leadership of some race based civil rights organization. As long as you are willing to cooperate in keeping the vast majority of your group in conditions one and two you will be given a seat at the table and a share of power. You will be able to gain real wealth for yourself and for your family. After all Jesse Jackson was able to get a million dollar Budweiser distributorship for his son just by guaranteeing that Anheuser-Busch would never be troubled with any kind of racial discrimination charges.
The Republican Party, on the other hand, offers you nothing but the chance to go as far as your intelligence and willingness to work will take you. It is a less “secure” life than that offered on the liberal plantation, but having once gotten the whiff of true freedom in your nostrils you will never be happy picking Democrat cotton so that the “masters” like the Clintons, Pelosi, Dean and Reid can fly around in private jets and get lots of face time on CNN.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Runaways must be caught and punished!
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
9:14 AM
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