From The Brussels Journal:
Spain will no longer burn effigies of the Prophet Muhammad. Muslim armies occupied Spain from 711 to 1492. For the past five centuries the Spanish have traditionally celebrated the 1492 liberation from the Moors (as the Muslims were locally called) with local village festivals during which the battles against the Moors were reenacted and effigies of the Muslim prophet – the so-called “la Mahoma” – were mocked, thrown from the windows, and burned.
Last year the town of Bocairent near Valencia decided to discontinue the tradition of centuries. The town did not want to risk becoming the target of Islamic suicide bombers. On Monday the Spanish newspaper El Pais reported that this year the other Valencian towns are also abolishing ancient traditions which are perceived to be offensive to Muslims. The people of Beneixama used to stuff the head of the Mahoma with firecrackers which went off as the onlookers applauded. This year Beneixama decided to abolish this part of the celebration. Antonio Valdés, the local mayor, told El Pais: “This was not an essential part of the festivities. It could hurt the sensitivities of some. We decided to avoid that.” The reconquista will still be commemmorated, but without “aggression” towards Muhammad
Europe goes just that much further down the road to full-blown dhimmitude.
Now understand this. I have very little use for Spain. Truth be told I wouldn't wipe my ass with the whole country and all its treasures, but this year I'm going to celebrate their liberation from the Moslem horde.
Of course that just made it safe for the Spanish Inquisition, but the Roman Catholic Church has already been neutered so we move on and concentrate on the current threat.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Spanish are good dhimminies
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
1:08 AM
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