Sunday, November 05, 2006

An eco-loon to boot

It seems that disgraced preacher Ted Haggard was a global warming activist as well as a meth using homosexual.

From News Busters:

In light of the recent scandlous allegations regarding evangelical leader Rev. Ted Haggard, many news outlets have been referring to Haggard as a "conservative." Only a small number are mentioning that Haggard also sees himself as a global warming activist -- and definitely not one of the "skeptic" variety.

Some liberal activists seem to be delighted at the prospect of Haggard's possible professional suicide, but liberals promoting the global warming theory know better. Temporarily at least, they've lost a major -- and perhaps irreplaceable -- ally.

Do you think that the newspapers tomorrow will be full of speculation on how this might cause the eco-Nazis to sit out Tuesday's election?

I don't either.

This should serve as a warning. If someone is an environmentalist they are almost certainly messed up in other ways as well.

Hat Tip: Reformed Chicks Blabbing