Saturday, November 18, 2006

One down, so many to go

From The Washington Post:

The Food and Drug Administration ended its 14-year ban on the cosmetic use of silicone breast implants yesterday, despite lingering safety concerns from some health advocates.

The FDA is requiring that manufacturers tell women that the implants "are not lifetime devices" and that most recipients will need at least one additional surgery to remove or replace their implants. The agency is requiring the makers, Mentor Corp. and Allergan Inc., to conduct an extensive study of at least 40,000 implant recipients over the next decade and provide their findings to the government.


Silicone implants were first marketed more than 30 years ago, but a moratorium was placed on them in 1992 after many women who had received them reported pain, deformity and serious illness caused when the implants ruptured or leaked. At the time, the FDA concluded there was "inadequate information to demonstrate that breast implants were safe and effective." A major implant manufacturer, Dow Corning Corp., was pushed into bankruptcy because of lawsuits stemming from the problematic devices.

This is a victory for common sense and real science over trial lawyers and junk science.

There never was any good evidence that silicone breast implants were harmful but because trial lawyers realized that in a population of women as large as breast implant recipients there would be a certain number of them who would have diseases like cancer. The lawyers knew that because the women had breast implants as well as cancer that a jury could be made to believe that the two things were related.

The lawyers were correct. The juries figured that even if the implants didn't have anything to do with the women's suffering that Dow Corning was a huge company with billions of dollars and these women were suffering and why not award them a paycheck to help out (this is also the mentality of the Wal-Mart haters, but that is another post for another day).

This is how trial lawyer filth like John Edwards become rich men.

They are destructive parasites who prey upon the general public's ignorance and class resentments to destroy productive businesses which research and innovate and provide goods and services to millions and employment to tens of thousands.

It is no accident that men and women who are so utterly worthless in the sense of making any positive contribution to their culture and are in fact so destructive of a nation's prosperity should flock to the Democrat Party. Just as the vulture always finds itself in the company of the jackal and the maggot the trial lawyer always finds itself in the company of other enemies of a nation's freedom and wealth.

The trial lawyer, the environmental extremest, the "civil rights" hustler, the gender feminist and every other brand and stripe of societal tapeworm which can only live by attaching itself to something larger and better than itself and feeding off of it while returning nothing to it.

There are so many threats which are besetting our nation and culture. The war against Islamofascism, the battle to secure our borders and expel the alien invasion, the need for tort reform to keep scum like John Edwards from destroying our economy, the fight in the educational system to keep alive the teaching of the cultural heritage of the West and all the other fights which are being waged around us all have one thing in common.

In each of these issues the key to victory boils down to crushing the political left. The only thing keeping the West from gaining rapid victory in the war against Mohammed's medieval barbarian death-cult is the will to wage total war against it and the resistance to that is located in the political left.

The abandonment of the Cannon and the elevation of multiculturalism and moral relativism in the academy is entirely the work of the political left. Destroy the left and the nation's schools will once again provide the kind of excellent educations that they once did.

Go on down the list of every serious problem facing our culture today and remove the political left from the equation and the problem resolves itself rather quickly (although not necessarily easily).

They say that identifying the problem is half of the solution so I've done half the work already. Now get to work on the rest.