Saturday, November 25, 2006

Tonight's feel good moment

Some years ago when I first became interested in Celtic music I was listening to the local community college's radio station's Celtic music program on a Sunday afternoon and heard my first Capercaillie song. It was called The Tree and I was hooked.

So in celebration of Hillbilly White Trash's first birthday here is Capercaillie preforming The Tree at this year's Cambridge Folk Festival.

The Tree is from the Beautiful Wasteland CD. Here are the lyrics:

Crathadh d'aodaich a ghaoil / Thig thu'n taobh-sa mu Shamhainn / Crathadh d'aodaich a ghaoil / Thig thu ma bhios gaoth ann/ Bith thu nad ruith air a' rathad / Bith thu nad ruith air a' rathad / Bith thu nad ruith air a' rathad / Sior chrathadh d'aodaich

The English translation is:

With sails unfurled my love / you will come this way about Halloween (Shamhainn) / With sails unfurled my love / You will come if there is a fair wind / You will make haste on the way under full sail