Jerry Stahl pens an editorial for the New York Times in which he asks a question:By now the miracles have been quantified. “Apocalypto,” when it opened, promptly took the top box office spot with $15 million. Plus — what are the odds? — his Joseph Campbell-meets-Mesoamerica epic has been nominated for a Golden Globe, and is now being mentioned in the same sentence as Oscar.
It’s the last thing you’d expect for a movie in Mayan — especially one made by a man whose last project was a staging of Hate Crime Theater on a Malibu police-cam. Which begs the question: How low does a human being have to sink before Hollywood shoos him away and he can’t get an Oscar?
I have a question. How low does a politician have to go before the Left shoos him away and he loses all his influence?
Of course what Mr. Stahl is talking about is Mel Gibson's drunken rant in which he said some stupid things about Jews.
What I'm talking about are detestable race pimps like Al Sharpton who just yesterday lead a "silent" protest to obtain "justice" for Sean Bell (the criminal who attempted to murder NYPD officers by running them over with his 3000 lb. automobile - yet who the Times still insists on describing as "unarmed"). And Jesse Jackson who famously described New York City as "hymietown".
That the New York Times finds nothing objectionable about two racists who seek and wield political influence within their city, and the greater Democrat Party, who have made their entire careers on inflaming racial hatred yet believes that there should be no forgiveness for a single drunken explosion by an actor/director speaks volumes.
The reason that the Times and the left liberals who write for it love Jackson and Sharpton and hate Gibson is at the root religious.
Mel Gibson made a film, The Passion of the Christ, which glorifies God and has led tens of thousands to faith in Christ. Sharpton and Jackson by virtue of the fact that they call themselves "Reverend" accomplish the opposite purpose. In the great battle between God and Satan the New York Times knows which side it is on.
Do you?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Why don't we just stone him to death?
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
8:18 AM
Labels: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Mel Gibson, Sean Bell, The New York Times
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