Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Cultural suicide

Gene Miller has posted an essay on The Brussels Journal in which he details several instances of factory closings and job losses in Europe due to the higher energy costs brought about by global warming inspired environmental regulation.

Other postings on TBJ list the creeping imposition of sharia law on the nations of Europe due to their fanatical embrace of multiculturalism.

In the United States a former vice president and presidential candidate, who actually managed to win the popular vote, wants America to go down the same path of economic ruin through environmental extremism.

Also in the US our borders are as porous as a sieve and neither major political party will do anything about it, except attempt to make it worse, because one wants cheap labor and the other wants easily bought votes.

A major "civil rights" organization (the ACLU) would prefer to see hijacked airliners used as cruise missiles against American skyscrapers, killing potentially tens of thousands of people, than to allow airport security to simply take note of the fact that the terrorists we are currently facing are almost all Muslims of Middle Eastern origin.

The president of Harvard University was pilloried for saying in public that the reason that some academic disciplines attract more men than women might be due not to institutional sexism, but simply flow from differences in the way men and women think.

Western society, what used to be called Christendom, may be the first great culture in the history of the world to fall not because of invasion, plague, geological or climatic disaster but because of willfully embraced delusion.