Friday, January 05, 2007

A new era dawns

From The New York Times:

WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 — In a day of transition and pageantry, exultant Democrats on Thursday took control of both houses of Congress for the first time in a dozen years and elected the first woman to be speaker of the House.

[. . .]

Both Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi promised a new era of cooperation after years of partisan passion and gridlock. “Guided by the spirit of bipartisanship,” Mr. Reid said, “Democrats are ready to take this country in a new direction.”

This is why they locked Republicans out of their first big legislative push.

The truth is that the Jackass Party can't even unify itself. You notice how Cindy Sheehan, spokeswoman for the "raving lunitic barking moonbat wing" of the Party staged a protest where they shouted down the Pelosi crowd, who make up the "quietly insane barking moonbat wing" of the Party.

Still when San Fran Nan lifted that Speaker's gavel in triumph for the first time you know that a shiver ran through the Republican representitives looking for a spine to run up.