Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Orleans was not an accident

A few days ago I published a list of things which the residents of the areas hit by the recent massive blizzard did not do. Like blame the president and insist that the rest of the nation owed them massive handouts because of their misfortune.

Someone left a thoughtful comment which I want to respond to here:

. . . in reality there's really no comparison. Let's be fair; 20,000 homes destroyed in New Orleans compared to......yes, you guessed it, 0 homes destroyed in the "Category 5 blizzard." When Katrina hit, around 250,000 people had to evacuate, and many lost everything (including the ability to even return home). In Colorado the storm "knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of communities and cut power to 10's of thousands." Not really the same thing at all. As a reminder to EVERYONE, the evacuees were not just black people by the way, some were even....dare I say it, white.

In the first place there was nothing in the post about race other than the observation that neither Jesse Jackson nor Al Sharpton had showed up. If the commenter, who says that he is from Houston, sees a racial component here it is from the evidence of his own eyes as he observes the Katrina evacuees rather than anything in the blog post.

I am well aware of the fact that many Katrina evacuees were White, but the points raised by the post all addressed attitude not race. How many of you remember the TV footage of New Orleans after the flood waters began to recede? How many automobiles, now ruined, do you remember seeing parked in driveways or on the street in front of houses? Each of those cars could have taken one or two families to high ground. Instead the owners sat and waited for someone to rescue them.

Then there were the famous school buses. Remember how Mayor Nagin tried to excuse the fact that they were not used to evacuate residents by saying that there was no one to drive them? What about the people who drive them every day? Did it never occur to the mayor or anyone in the city government, or in any past city government, that a city which is 12 feet below sea level and sandwiched between a lake and a river close to the Gulf of Mexico - in hurricane country - might need to be evacuated someday?

Why was there not a plan in place calling for each school bus driver to report to the city parking lot to get his bus and then drive to a specific point to pick up evacuees and then drive them along a preplanned route to a place on high ground where someone like the Red Cross would be waiting, by prearrangement, to meet them and take care of them? Why were the bus drivers not required, as a condition of employment, to participate in drills at least twice per year so that they would know exactly where to go and what to do?

The answer is that the people of New Orleans have an attitude of dependence (unlike the people of Colorado, who for them most part have an attitude of self reliance). The sad fact is that the dependant attitude of New Orleans stems from the fact that New Orleans is a predominantly Black city. Black Americans as a group have been schooled, for longer than most of them have been alive, to expect to live on handouts from White America.

Wealth and social class do not figure into this to any great extent. Ray Nagin is a wealthy man who has spent his life learning that as long as he played by a certain set of rules he would have the good things of life handed to him by a White hand. In every thing from his collage education (affirmative action) to his employment at high pay in corporate America (again affirmative action) to his political career (identity politics) his way has been paved by liberal White patronage. All he had to do was look the right way, say the right things and pay homage to the right liberal causes and liberal political and cultural figures and he could have success without ever having to do anything concrete to merit it.

Then suddenly Nagin was thrust into circumstances in which he would have to think for himself, act on his own initiative and actually produce concrete results for his city. He failed miserably because nothing in his life had prepared him for the challenge. The White people let him down. The White governor was unwilling to clear the way for the federal government to act (because she didn't want the president to have an opportunity to "look good" - her words) and the White president didn't invoke a Nineteenth Century law which would have allowed him to hold the state of Louisiana to be in a state of insurrection and move in and take over because he did not wish to be pilloried by a mostly White press corps and Democrat Party for implying that a female Democrat governor and a Black Democrat mayor were incompetent to handle what they were plainly incompetent to handle.

Thus you have the horrors of the Superdome and the Convention Center.

Many, perhaps most, of the people reading this will not be able to believe that this situation was deliberately created by the political left. They will not be able to get their minds around the idea that people like Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy looked at New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina and smiled inwardly and felt a proud sense of accomplishment. They will not be able to force themselves to deal with the implications of the fact that "Black leaders" like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are willing and knowing accomplices to the infantalizing of their own people to the extent that they will walk past a car in their own driveway and report to a place which they have been told in advance will be an unsafe hellhole like the Superdome all because they have been so conditioned to the idea that someone will take care of them THAT THEY CANNOT EVEN CONCEIVE OF THE IDEA OF BEING RESPONSABLE FOR THEMSELVES.

Most people do not, can not, grasp the truth because they do not wish to have to deal with the realization that the leadership of one of the major political parties (Democrat) and cultural movements (liberalism) are not simply misguided and wrong on some of the issues, but are actually evil. Evil in the biblical sense of pure Satanic malevolance.

Now you understand why people like Patrick Conlon and I hate the Left with every fiber of our beings. We understand that their goal for America is an enslavement far more pernicious than than endured by antebellum Blacks. Simon LeGree and his fellows bound their slaves bodies with chains of iron but their souls remained free. The modern Left-liberal wishes to leave our bodies mostly free, but to bind our souls with chains of dependence.

The man whose mind remains free can always strike off his physical chains and run away or rebel. The man whose soul has been killed in infantsy by the poison of dependency cannot even perceive his chains and can never raise his hand against his master because he will never be able to view that master an anything but a benefactor.

The left knows that if it can become the only hand that feeds that it will never be bitten.