The Jawa Report lists the RINO gallery of shame. These are a partial list of the contemptible pussies of the right who have gone out of their way to let everyone know what a prissy huff they are in over Ann Coulter's remarks.
If you were ever in any doubt about how far we have fallen down the bottomless pit of political correctness all you have to do is read this.
Remember this is all because a girl told a joke which made an absolutely spot-on point. And for this we have all these supposedly conservative "leaders" having the vapors like aunt Pitty-Pat at the cotillion when Scarlett agreed to dance with Rhett.
Individuals denouncing Ann Coulter's remarks at CPAC:
John McCain
Rudy Giuliani
Mitt Romney
[The fact that the three RINOs all agree that Ann was wrong should be an infallible indication that she was right]
Michelle Malkin
Ilya Somin and Orin Kerr, Volokh Conspiracy
Paul, Powerline
[I searched Powerline for any statement which John, Scott or Paul might have made about the historic ruling made by the DC Court of Appeals in which they overturned DC's gun ban on Second Amendment grounds, but could find nothing. I guess all three of those attorneys must still be in shock over having heard the word "faggot"]
Nathan Nelson, RedState
John Hawkins, Right Wing News
Roger L. Simon
[Simon is another one of those "If he's against it then it must be a good idea" types]
Sean Hackbarth, The American Mind
James Joyner, Outside the Beltway
BoiFromTroy, Boi From Troy
Joy McCann, Little Miss Attila
Kevin McCullough, Musclehead Revolution
Fausta Werz, Fausta’s Blog
Patrick Hynes, Ankle Biting Pundits
Ed Morrissey, Captain’s Quarters
[This is dissapointing, Morrisey is someone I had thought better of]
Jane Stewart, See Jane Mom
Alexander Brunk, Save the GOP
Ace, Ace of Spades HQ
Owen Robinson, Boots and Sabres
N.Z. Bear, The Truth Laid Bear
[Hey N.Z. you might better spend your time fixing your TTLB software. Not complaining though; I find the service to be worth every cent I pay for it]
Michael Demmons, Gay Orbit
Mark Coffey, Decision ‘08
Russell Newquist, The Philosopher’s Stone
Marshall Manson, On Tap
Rob Port, Say Anything
Matthew Johnston, Going to the Mat
Timmer, The Daily Brief
Rick Moran, Right Wing Nuthouse
Dustin Gawrylow, Free Republicans
Dan, North Dallas Thirty
Brennan Monaco, The American Pundit
Nate Nelson, Reality Mugged Me
Christopher Fotos, PostWatch
Joe Carter, Evangelical Outpost
[I stopped reading Evangelical Outpost when Carter posted about how he had stopped watching Fox News so that he would have more time for PBS]
Amy Ridenour, National Center Blog
Soren Dayton, EyeOn08
Greg, Rhymes with Right
Jimmie, The Sundries Shack
John Tabin,
Peter DiGaudio, Texas Hold ‘Em Blogger
Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit
Most of these I've never heard of so I leave them to their well earned obscurity.
One thing that surprises me is that Jawa forgot to list the Queen of the Prissy "conservative" bloggers, Steve H Graham of Hog on Ice. Please, nobody tell him he got left off. If an ego that massive were to implode from the perceived insult the resulting narcissism spill could render the entire Metro Dade region uninhabitable for generations.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
More "Republicans" have the vapors
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
2:07 PM
Labels: Liberal Republcan Moonbattery
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