From The American Thinker:
Several of the panelists on ABC's program The View have stated on-air that the Duke lacrosse team members who were just exonerated of rape were "probably guilty of something". These female media personalities justified their statements by observing that these were white frat-boys and privileged jocks.
Let me see if I understand correctly... ABC-TV on-air personalities are publicly implying that some young athletes are of low moral character, based on their skin color?
I have the strongest sense of deja-vu here. Something else in the news recently, perhaps? Maybe someone at American Thinker can remind me. Or at MSNBC or CBS?
I did a bit of digging and found this:
The co-hosts of "The View" offered their input on news of the dismissal of all charges against the three indicted Duke lacrosse players. After discussing Imus again, co-host Joy Behar labeled the innocent players as "a little white boy’s club" that is "in effect" at Duke.
"It's interesting that it comes at the time of the Duke rape case. The boys are off because the girl lied and she didn’t- wasn’t raped. However, it’s interesting to me that a little white boy's club was in effect in the Duke University situation too. You have a bunch of white boys sitting around with black girls, coming in and stripping. Alright, they didn't rape them, but-"
Guest co-host Rose McGowan likewise stated that they are the rich white boys she grew up resenting and "really hoped" they were guilty because they should "stand for all of them."After pleading with them not to sue her, Rose smeared the players claiming they "possibly" had "a long history of really inappropriate things"
You know, the thing I remember Rose McGowan most for, other than for playing Paige - the youngest sister on Charmed, was her performance in a movie called Going All The Way