An idiot comments on the dropping of charges against the Duke lacrosse players:
The three young men who she accused are truly innocent of the charges brought against them according to the North Carolina Attorney General and the investigation led by his office.
But perhaps the outpouring of sympathy for Reade Seligman, Collin Finnerty and David Evans is just a bit misplaced. They got special treatment in the justice system--both negative and positive. The conduct of the lacrosse team of which they were members was not admirable on the night of the incident, to say the least. And there are so many other victims of prosecutorial misconduct in this country who never get the high-priced legal representation and the high-profile, high-minded vindication that it strikes me as just a bit unseemly to heap praise and sympathy on these particular men.
So as we rightly cover the vindication of these young men and focus on the genuine ordeal they have endured, let us also remember a few other things:
They were part of a team that collected $800 to purchase the time of two strippers.
Their team specifically requested at least one white stripper.
During the incident, racial epithets were hurled at the strippers.
Colin Finnerty was charged with assault in Washington, DC, in 2005.
The young men were able to retain a battery of top-flight attorneys, investigators and media strategists.
Let's look at some of these statements. The conduct of the Duke athletes was not "admirable" on the night in question. Granted the hiring of strippers is not in accord with the morality taught by the Christian and Jewish religions. However I wonder if Mr. Moran (the idiot who wrote this piece) says grace before every meal, remembers the sabbath to keep it holy and abstains from sex outside the bounds of heterosexual marriage.
The young men requested at least one white stripper. Do we no longer have the right to decide for ourselves what we consider to be attractive in members of the opposite sex? Perhaps Terry Moran would like us to all be like Bill Clinton who doesn't seem to have any preference of race, age, weight or any other apparent standards other than the presence of an operating vagina.
Colin Finnerty was charged with assault in DC. True but what is proved by this? If you have never been around the criminal justice system I suppose that you can get the idea that if someone is charged with something that they must be guilty. I have waded through well over 350,000 criminal records in my career and I can tell you that to find out what really happened in a criminal case you have to dig deeper than the charging document. Assault can mean anything from coming after someone with a tire iron to pounding you fist on their table in a bar so that a glass is knocked over and beer is spilled on them.
I've seen a woman charged with assault because she threw a piece of birthday cake at her ex husband. I've seen a woman charged with assault because she sprayed saliva in her daughter's worthless white trash boyfriend's face while yelling at him to get out of her house.
I've seen men charged with "assault by pointing a gun" by their estranged wives as a tactic to give those wives leverage in divorce or custody battles.
It is easy to get charged with a crime like assault because all that has to happen is for someone who is pissed off at you to be willing to swear out a complaint and then it's your word against theirs.
Moran, or was that Moron, repeats the claim that racial epithets were "hurled at the strippers" but as far as I know that charge has only been made by the strippers and no other source has stepped up to verify it. And even if true we don't know what the strippers might have said to the young men to provoke them.
Does using intemperate language at an off campus party justify being falsely accused of monstrous crimes which carry life behind bars?
It also seems to enrage Mr. Moron that the young men's families were willing to mortgage their homes and liquidate their life savings in order to hire competent counsel for their sons. Moron should take his complaints to the Founding Fathers who gave us a legal system in which everyone is entitled to the best defense which he can afford.
Mr. Moron also wags his finger because the young men were students at a prestige university like Duke. However what good did that do them? That very prestige university and its faculty turned on them like a pack of rabid dogs. Compare the admirable way which Rutgers leapt to the defense of its basketball team when a fool said something unkind about them on the radio to the wretched, despicable, detestable and cowardly way Duke threw these young men overboard on an unproven accusation. An accusation which began to unravel almost as soon as it was made.
If you were a parent looking to send your child to college where would you spend your money Rutgers or Duke?
Terry Moron comes off like a left-wing media elitist who is pissed off that the young lacrosse players were proven to be innocent. It would have suited his purposes better if he could have continued applying the "rich white boys abuse the poor black girl" template to his coverage of the case.
I sorry (not really) that Mr. Moron is disappointed at the outcome of this case. But while he is speculating about what might have been he should ask himself this. If the student athletes had been black basketball players and the stripper had been white would Duke have suspended its basketball program? Would they have fired the basketball coach? Would the administration have suspended the young men and the faculty send out a press release which did everything but declare them guilty?
Would race pimping maggots like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have come out in defense of the alleged victim or would they have declared her to be a whore looking for a paycheck and denounced the police investigation as a racist plot hatched by white cracker cops acting in the spirit of Bull Connors?
Most DA's in this country do care more about padding their conviction statistics than they ever will about serving justice and if this affair causes them to pull in their horns for a little while it will have not all been for nothing. But before left-wing media alpha hotels start spewing their hypocritical sanctimony and continue impugning the characters of those three young men they should perhaps look in a fraking mirror and ask themselves some hard questions about their own prejudices.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
A Moron doesn't know when to quit
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
2:21 PM
Labels: The Duke Rape Case
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