From an editorial in The New York Post:
April 24, 2007 -- Fresh from his declaration that "this war [in Iraq] is lost," Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid is moving quickly to hasten America's unilateral surrender.
And to cast the Middle East into murderous chaos.
Reid yesterday promised that the Democratic-controlled Congress will within days pass legislation requiring U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraq over the six months starting Oct. 1.
Never mind that such legislation:
* Likely wouldn't pass either house of Congress . . .
* . . . and, even if it did pass, certainly wouldn't survive a veto.
So the point must be not to make policy, but to send a message: That Harry Reid's Democratic Party is against war in the Middle East, maybe?
Or that war in the Middle East is OK - so long as no Americans are fighting?
Or, maybe it's all about politics?
To be sure, Reid won't risk calling for an immediate pullout. He cautioned his party's bug-out-now wing to be patient, despite "the restlessness" of those who "voted for change in November [and] anticipated dramatic and immediate results in January."
The problem, said Reid, is that "George W. Bush is still the commander-in-chief - and this is his war."
And there's the real problem: From the start, Reid and the Democrats have seen the war in Iraq as a partisan opportunity.
They refuse to present a unified front to the rest of the world - especially to America's enemies - because, in their pinched view, to do so would be to weaken their own prospects for retaking the White House in 2008.
Words have consequences. Although Reid's surrender bill will never become law his words give aid and comfort to the enemy. They also encourage the enemy to step up their attacks on American forces in order to bolster Reid's position.
Let me state that again. The terrorists in Iraq know that Harry Reid is their ally and they will murder American soldiers and Marines in order to provide assistance to their ally and help him achieve his political goals. And Harry Reid will accept their aid (damning his soul to the deepest pit of hell) gladly.
If this doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the modern Democrat Party then you are beyond help.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
4:41 PM
Labels: Democrat Moonbattery
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