Sunday, April 15, 2007

Socialism, coming to a doctor's office near you

From The American Thinker:

James Lewis brings something interesting to our attention:

Conservative British commentator Ian Dale writes on his blog:

"A poll out this morning shows that if there were a general election today only 7 per cent of doctors would vote Labour (the British socialist party). Let me repeat that. Seven per cent. ... Just 2% of doctors described their level of morale at work as excellent, with 54% saying it was poor or terrible."

Remember that almost all British doctors work for the government health care system.

And yet... "80% of spending on new hospitals had gone to Labour constituencies."

Are you ready for "nonpolitical" HillaryCare USA?

There is a boom in building doctor's offices, clinics and hospitals along the US side of the US/Canada border because every Canadian who possibly can flees from their socialized health care system to come to the free market US for medical care.

It doesn't matter how many examples of failure of socialized medicine they see the left cannot get the message that it does not work.

This strange blindness, which must be willful, is inexplicable until you understand two facts. Fact one is that to the rank and file leftist left liberalism is a religion and therefore not subject to refutation by fact, logic or the scientific method. The second fact is that to the leftist political leadership the issue is not the provision of good health care.

What is at stake for the leftist politicians is dependency and control. By making the public dependant upon government for their health care they seek to institutionalize their Party and its philosophy in American political culture. Look at the success they had with Social Security.

In fact Social Security is nothing but a giant Ponzi scheme which is, if unreformed, doomed to collapse and take the American economy with it. Yet every politician of either party must pledge himself to the protection and preservation of Social Security. Even those who know full well that it is a national suicide pact must still promise to keep it alive for all eternity. Any effort to save the system by reinventing it as a private investment plan must be carefully described as an effort to "save Social Security".

The example of how a truly brain-dead bit of socialist stupidity became the "third rail" of American politics hovers before the eyes of American socialists (otherwise known as the Democrat Party) like the holy grail. Recreating this miracle on an even larger scale by making every American dependant on government for not only an old age pension but for a doctor for himself and for his children is the holy mission of the modern American left.

That the quality of medical care for the average American would deteriorate in a substantial way is a matter of no concern whatsoever to the leftist elites. After all they all have money. In the event of HillaryCare becoming the law in America the best doctors in the US would relocate to Mexico and open pay-as-you-go clinics and hospitals with state of the art equipment and highly trained staff.

Wealthy liberal elites from Washington, Hollywood, the news media and the business world (you don't think Warren Buffet or George Soros would stand in line at a government hospital do you) would jet down to Acapulco or Puerto Vallarta where they could have their blood pressure taken pool side or receive their chemotherapy in a luxury suite overlooking the Gulf of Mexico.

Just as wealthy liberal hypocrites like Al Gore and John Edwards wish to retain their SUVs, giant energy hogging mansions and private jets while everyone else would be required to drive around in three cylinder economy cars and use leaves instead of toilet paper the elites will not tolerate one degree of lessening in the standards of their own health care.

Vote for Hillary and this is what you get. You've been warned.