No man in the last century better illustrated Jesus' warning that "All men will hate you because of me" than the Rev. Jerry Falwell, who left this world on Tuesday. Separately, no man better illustrates my warning that it doesn't pay to be nice to liberals.
Falwell was a perfected Christian. He exuded Christian love for all men, hating sin while loving sinners. This is as opposed to liberals, who just love sinners. Like Christ ministering to prostitutes, Falwell regularly left the safe confines of his church to show up in such benighted venues as CNN.
He was such a good Christian that back when we used to be on TV together during Clinton's impeachment, I sometimes wanted to say to him, "Step aside, reverend — let the mean girl handle this one." (Why, that guy probably prayed for Clinton!)
For putting Christ above everything — even the opportunity to make a humiliating joke about Clinton — Falwell is known as "controversial." Nothing is ever as "controversial" as yammering about Scripture as if, you know, it's the word of God or something.
From the news coverage of Falwell's death, I began to suspect his first name was "Whether You Agree With Him or Not."
Even Falwell's fans, such as evangelist Billy Graham and former President Bush, kept throwing in the "We didn't always agree" disclaimer. Did Betty Friedan or Molly Ivins get this many "I didn't always agree with" qualifiers on their deaths? And when I die, if you didn't always agree with me, would you mind keeping it to yourself?
Let me be the first to say: I ALWAYS agreed with the Rev. Falwell.
Actually, there was one small item I think Falwell got wrong regarding his statement after 9/11 that "the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians — who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle — the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'"
First of all, I disagreed with that statement because Falwell neglected to specifically include Teddy Kennedy and "the Reverend" Barry Lynn.
Second, Falwell later stressed that he blamed the terrorists most of all, but I think that clarification was unnecessary. The necessary clarification was to note that God was at least protecting America enough not to allow the terrorists to strike when a Democrat was in the White House.
(If you still think it isn't Christ whom liberals hate, remember: They hate Falwell even more than they hate me.)
Go read the rest.
Patrick Conlon left this comment on my earlier post about Rev. Falwell's death:Yes, he was an interesting man but, like that other misanthrope, Noam Chomsky, he blamed Americans for 9/11. Mixed bag as we all are.
Not exactly. Noam Chomsky believes that the Muslims who attacked us on 9/11 were acting in self defense because of all our "meddling" in the Middle East. He thinks that al Qaeda was right to do what it did and that the US should not respond in any way other than to withdraw all of our military forces back to US territory and elect Hillary Clinton president.
Falwell, on the other hand, was applying the Biblical principle that when a people turn away from God that God will punish them. The history of Israel is full of examples of the Jews turning away from God and God chastising them by raising up a heathen nation (like the Philistines, the Assyrians or The Babylonians) to invade and oppress them until they turned back to him.
Of course America is not Israel, however we have voluntarily wrapped ourselves in the mantel of the God of Abraham by doing things like putting "in God we trust" on our currency and carving the Ten Commandments into the wall of the Supreme Court building and opening our legislature with prayer so that we have created an identity in the eyes of the world between Christianity and the USA. This leaves God little choice but to deal with us on a national level as apostates in order to prevent the heathen from thinking that He has no problem with our behavior.
People have been saying for at least 25 years that if God doesn't judge America that he will owe an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah. I do not recall the statement being a subject of much controversy before 9/11/01. After all the blood of over 30 million totally innocent children is crying out for justice (a number three times higher than the number of victims of Hitler's death camps). What kind of God would he be if he ignored that?
God may well have been sending us a warning. The war against Islam is not just a matter of tanks and planes it is also a matter of faith and values. Europe which has already passed the point of no return in being swallowed up by Islam proves that an aggressively secular society shows up for the fight unarmed.
As for all the leftists who have been celebrating Jerry Falwell's death all I can say is that he is in Heaven and they will never be. Unless they repent and become like Jerry Falwell.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Blond One says goodbye to Rev. Falwell
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
10:23 PM
Labels: Ann Coulter, Jerry Falwell
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