Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Insert "Sex Ed" joke here

EAST GREENBUSH -- A social studies teacher at Columbia High School was charged Monday with repeatedly having oral sex in his classroom with a 16-year-old male student during the school day.

Late last week a rumor circulated at Columbia High School that social studies teacher Kirk James Hellwig, 37, of Patricia Lane, Saratoga Springs, was allegedly carrying on a sexual relationship during school time with one of his students.

"One of our officers who is stationed at the school was approached by two principals about the rumor," said town Police Chief Christopher Lavin. "We then searched some premises, collected evidence, interviewed numerous individuals and reviewed computer activity."

Hellwig, who is single and has taught social studies at the school since 1999, was arrested Monday morning on three counts each of felony third-degree criminal sex act and misdemeanor endangering the welfare of a child.

He was arraigned in town court Monday and released on $25,000 bail. He is set to reappear in court at 6 p.m. Thursday, unless the case is presented to a grand jury.

Lavin said the alleged victim, who told police the relationship was consensual, cooperated in the investigation and is now getting therapy. Hellwig was charged because a 16-year-old is not old enough to consent.

Hellwig and the teen allegedly had sexual contact while in the classroom alone. Officials said the relationship may have been going on since January.

"It allegedly happened at three times and at three different times of the day," Lavin said.

The brazenness of the alleged sexual tryst has shocked and dismayed district officials.

Usually it is female teachers doing this with young male students. Remember a year of so ago the story about the woman teacher who was spicing up her classes by playing "peek-a-boob" letting students look down her blouse. She was then said to have performed oral sex upon a boy, again in front of the class.