Friday, June 15, 2007

Somebody speaks their language

People around the country have long complained that politicians are full of it. Now their workplace is too. The story, apparently broken by Roll Call, is that on Wednesday, workers found at least three piles of poo (yes, actual poo) in the hall on the Senate side of the building, and possibly some more in a gallery overlooking the Senate chamber.

There have been piles of questions about this - some have speculated it was an accident by a kid (who must have really had to go), that it was some political statement by one or more adults judging by the sheer amount of doody, or maybe it was brought from elsewhere since nobody spotted the offender(s) in action. The Capitol Police (and unfortunate janitors) have no suspects yet.

There is at least one person in Washington who is willing to give the Senate back what the Senate has been trying to force down the people's throat.

I say good for them! You have their measure. You know what they are worth and you aren't afraid to tell them so in a concrete fashion.

If every patriot in America was willing to take a dump on Washington DC imagine how much better the rest of America would smell.