Saturday, August 11, 2007

How well do you match up with a candidate?

Born Again Redneck found a test which determines which political candidate is most compatible with your views. Here is how mine turned out:

Candidate Total Score:

Fred Thompson 89.87 %
Duncan Hunter 89.01 %
Tom Tancredo 85.13 %
Mike Huckabee 82.11 %
Mitt Romney 81.03 %
John McCain 74.57 %
Ron Paul 71.12 %
Rudy Guiliani 66.81 %
Sam Brownback 66.59 %
Joe Biden 31.90 %
Chris Dodd 27.37 %
Bill Richardson 22.84 %
Hillary Clinton 20.04 %
Barack Obama 18.32 %
John Edwards 16.16 %
Dennis Kucinich 1.08 %

It also analyses how you match up with each political party. Here are my results:

Republican Party 89.01 %
Democratic Party 10.56 %

I note that I match Fred Thompson and the Republican Party at the level of a bit more than 89%. To me this says that Fred is the real Republican in this race who can win.