Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Britney uses foul language!!!!!

I am home for the evening and I was going to blog about something like the Craig scandal and what it implies for the future of conservative homosexuals in the Republican Party. Or perhaps Fred Thompson's impending announcement of his presidential candidacy. Or the fact that Mattel is announcing yet another recall of toys made in China. Or I could have mocked Al Gore for his whining and whinging about how he lost the 2000 election because the media was unfair to him.

But I'm not going to do any of that, at least not right now, because some really important news has come along.

You might want to sit down. If you have a heart condition you might want to have your pills at hand, or even skip this post altogether.

OK, here is is:

Britney Spears has used the F-word on one of her new songs!
Read all the horrible details here.