Monday, February 18, 2008

Too good to be true

Armstrong Williams envisions Armageddon:

The Obama campaign is now realizing that Clinton is willing to fight nasty by pushing for Michigan and Florida delegates to be included and by persuading super delegates by all available means. Well, the Obama camp is not sitting idly by and allowing the Clinton's to do what they do best: continue their trail of corruption, and total disregard for rules and guidelines.

The word on the street is that the Obama campaign and New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg have already met and devised an incredible plan if Clinton wins the nominee. Mayor Bloomberg would give nearly $1 billion to Obama's campaign after which Obama would bolt from the Democratic Party and run as an Independent candidate with king-maker Bloomberg as his running mate. The Obama campaign realizes that Obama is too new at this game and doesn't have the political weight of the Clintons to bring in the true heavy-hitters of the party's hierarchy. So, according to sources it was Bloomberg himself who suggested this cunning strategy. It's mind boggling that the Clintons are willing to destroy the entire Democratic Party, and potentially in the process lose the White House and seats in Congress, for their own selfish thirst for power and glory.

Whether or not this sort of madness occurs, the race for the White House is becoming uglier with each passing day. Unless Clinton gets knocked out of this race in the coming days, which is a high possibility considering she has lost ten straight states and got swept last weekend and earlier this week, we can all expect her and her husband to pull out all the stops to get her through. But the fact remains, she is not nearly the candidate that Obama is, and the Democratic Party would be far better served to quickly move to support Obama and make him the nominee.

If this happened it would rip the Democrat party apart. The damage might even be irreparable. This would not only put McCain in the White House it could very possibly cost them their majority in both House and Senate.

Under these circumstances I wouldn't mind seeing McCain elected (well not too much anyway).

However this just has to be too good to be true.

Mark it down to another weird rumor in a very weird campaign season.