Monday, April 07, 2008

Here's one to make your head explode

Remember the controversy over the Flight 93 Memorial to be built in the field where the brave passengers of the hijacked plane were able to storm the cockpit and force the plane down, ending their lives but saving many others by keeping the airliner from being crashed into either the Capitol building or the White House?

First the memorial was going to include a set of wind chimes for each person who died on the flight - including the hijackers!

Then there was the shape of the memorial which resembled a giant Islamic crescent.

Now our good friend Debbie Hamilton at Right Truth tells us that the crescent is oriented toward Mecca!

Why don't we make the centerpiece of the whole thing a giant mural showing the hijackers reclining on golden clouds being attended by their black-eyed virgins while below them their infidel victims burn in hell?