Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The nominations are in

This week's nominations by the Watcher's Council have been made.

Council links:

1. The Judgment Thing - The Glittering Eye

2. In Honor of the Final Season of "Battlestar Galactica" ... - The Colossus of Rhodey

3. Air Hypocrisy Radio Suspends Randi Rhodes - Rhymes With Right

4. Media Fish in a Barrel - Done With Mirrors

5. Starts Well, Ends Badly - Hillbilly White Trash

6. "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie"... Accommodating Islam - Joshuapundit

7. Black, White, Grey - Soccer Dad

8. The Wizard of Ooze - Bookworm Room

9. Assumptions & Conclusions About Sadr, Maliki and the Basra Offensive - Wolf Howling

10. Quote of the Day: Unsacrificed Virgins Edition - Cheat Seeking Missiles

11. Censorchimps: The East Texas Subspecies - The Education Wonks

12. Progress In Iraq a Tough Sell for Petreaus - Right Wing Nut House

Non-council links:

1. A Look At Operation Knights' Assault - The Long War Journal

2. Dialogue On Race Could Begin On Hallowed Ground - Chicago Tribune

3. Complaint Against Fero A Wake Up Call For Blogger Rights And Protections - Capitol Annex

4. Is Wright Wrong? Part 2 - Better Living: Thoughts from Mark Daniels

5. Creating a European Indigenous People's Movement - The Brussels Journel

6. Your federal Government At Work... For Palestinians - Boker tov, Boulder!

7. Peace Piece by Piece Now's 30th anniversary - Israel Matzav

8. Another Day, Another Obama Lie - Red State

9. Iraq: Persian Proxie - Seraphic Secret

10. Put On Your Helmets, We're Talking About Abortion. - Rachel Lucas

11. Making the "Humane" as Inhumane as Humanly Possible? - Classical Values

12. Rev. Wright Former Muslim, Apparently Quit that Religion as Not Being Hardcore Enough - Ace of Spades HQ

13. Failing Faiths - Eternity Road

14. Progressives Uber Ales? - Dodgeblogium