Friday, May 02, 2008

Why not fight back?

The following paragraph is from the Bruce Bawer essay in City Journal that is referenced in the Watchers Council post directly below. I wanted to address it in its own post because my thoughts on it don't really relate to the issue of Islam per se but are related to the Western left in general.

Leading liberal intellectuals and academics have shown a striking willingness to betray liberal values when it comes to pacifying Muslims. Back in 2001, Unni Wikan, a distinguished Norwegian cultural anthropologist and Islam expert, responded to the high rate of Muslim-on-infidel rape in Oslo by exhorting women to “realize that
we live in a multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”

In the mind of Unni Wikan women in Europe must "adapt themselves" to being raped by Muslims! Or perhaps she only means that Western women must dress and behave like "good" Muslim women and wear head coverings (or even the full burka) and not drive cars or go out of the house without an escort.

Either way she is counseling surrender by Europe's women in the face of a primitive misogynous religious ideology.

Why is is so impossible for a modern Western intellectual to grasp the concept of resistance to threats upon one's person or one's liberty? Haven't they heard of the Florida town that responded to an epidemic of rape by encouraging women to arm themselves and even had their police department hold shooting classes for women at the firearms range? Burglaries dropped 80%, rapes dropped 90%.

Yet self defense is not the last thing that intellectual elites think of because they never think of it!

Instead of advising women to "adapt themselves" to living in a rape culture encouraged by the sub-human death cult of Islam why couldn't she have urged her nation to repeal its laws against the owning and carrying of personal weapons and against armed self defense? And then urged women to take advantage of those laws and become responsible for their own safety?

Or if the idea of personal self defense was just too radical for her to wrap her mind around she could have at least demanded that her government enact more severe penalties for rape and instruct police to investigate Muslim on non-Muslim crime with the same zeal they would bring to a case of a white supremacist neo-Nazi attacking and killing members of some racial minority.

What is it about the mindset of the left that demands surrender, even to the point of gross bodily outrage like rape, when confronted by a threat?