Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank you Sarah

I saw this posted on Right Wing News and thought it was a magnificent idea. Governor Palin is getting huge amounts of cards, letters and even flowers from real Americans who love her and are eager to have her as our leader, but through the wilderness period we are entering now and as our president in 2012.

Public service can be thankless work if you're a conservative who lives the values. Your very existence is viewed as a threat to the power brokers and the entrenched smarty-pants set. This country is still a Republic governed by and for the people. I thought it might be nice to let Sarah Palin know that her valiant efforts to get John McCain elected did not go unnoticed and that she's supported by the people who matter--the voters.

Here is her address:

Alaska State Capitol Building
Third Floor
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001

Send Mrs. Palin a short note of thanks for her heroic efforts to save the nation from four years of the little messiah. Just remember to be respectful. You don't want to come off sounding like a creepy stalker. Then you might get a visit from the FBI, Secret Service or (worse for you) Todd Palin.