Sunday, December 12, 2010

Want a good laugh?

Then check out this post on Big Journalism.

Washington Times – Off-the-record exchanges and thousands of confidential e-mails dating back almost four years reveal that high-profile journalists have been aiding and advising President Obama since he announced his candidacy in early 2007.

Provided by WikiLeaks to the Washington Times, the material was originally discovered by a cleaning lady at CNN. Surfing on Wolf Blitzer’s computer during her 4:00 a.m. break, Emalina Ortiz inadvertently opened a window to “BO-WeServe”–a private forum for journalists supporting Obama’s campaign and, later, his administration’s agenda.

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A sampling of the e-mails:

Date: September 19, 2007

Stop waffling on Iraq, Senator. Raise the ante. Pledge to airlift out the entire American presence to Okinawa within two days after your oath. It’ll be the Berlin Blockade in reverse, a shining example of American ingenuity. How does ”Operation Iraq Excursion” sound?

Date: May 1, 2008

Subject: Hillary

Hillary’s a pit bull, Senator; you’re a poodle. You schmooze with a glass of Zinfandel; she throws down a shot and a beer. Change perceptions, sir. Go to a bar in Trenton, play setback with the locals, get falling-down drunk. And if you order a bitters, don’t cling to it.

Also, Bill’s been quiet. Get under his skin so he pops. How about a 3:00 a.m. Oval Office ad with a Hillary lookalike yelling at someone just off camera, ”I warned you! Starting Monday, all the interns will be male.”
Stop waffling on Iraq, Senator. Raise the ante. Pledge to airlift out the entire American presence to Okinawa within two days after your oath. It’ll be the Berlin Blockade in reverse, a shining example of American ingenuity. How does ”Operation Iraq Excursion” sound?
Subject: Iraq