Paul Belien has an interesting essay up on The Brussels Journal this morning. There are a few things in it that I would like to call to your attention and comment on.Suppose the foiled terror plot in the UK had not been foiled and thousands of innocents had perished aboard planes heading for the United States. I fear that one of the scenes we would have witnessed would have been one we witnessed following 9/11: scenes of celebration and jubilation in certain boroughs and banlieus of major European cities.
Does anyone doubt this? And of course the celebrations would not have been limited to European cities. Can you imagine the pure joy that would have been expressed by the Palestinian people? The jubilation in Iran and Syria and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Of course the Pakistani and Saudi governments would have clamped a lid on public demonstrations of joy at the deaths of thousands of British and American citizens, but the glee would have been there. The lesson is that Muslim people are not, as a rule, our friends. Those who are our friends live in fear that their good will toward the West will be discovered.
Another predictable thing is that nobody on the left is standing up and saying "Well we were sure wrong to object to the President's programs to wiretap people in the US who are in contact with terrorists overseas and we were even more wrong to object to his efforts to monitor the terrorists' financial transactions because both of those programs figured prominently in the foiling of this plot and the saving of thousands of lives". The lesson here is that the liberal-left is not our friend. They will not admit that a sitting Republican president did something right even when that thing resulted in the saving of thousands of innocent lives.
Mr. Belien continues:Never before has the West faced an enemy like this. It is an enemy who is prepared to blow up thousands of innocent people in suicide actions, but it is also one who lives in our midst. As in the 1930s the Europeans prefer to appease the enemy. Drawing people’s attention to the fact that he is living in our midst is regarded as hate-mongering. Thou shalt not hate the enemy, let alone fight him, thou shalt appease him.
Again, the liberal-left is not the friend of the West and its enlightenment values. The liberal-left is firmly in control of almost all the governments of Europe and they will not permit the enemy to be engaged and fought in any meaningful way.
Instead of "girding up their loins" to fight the latter-day savages which are attempting to recreate the Islamic glory days of conquest, murder and rape the leftist elites are gearing up to fight what they consider to be the "real enemy":Following the foiled plot European governments seem to be as worried about rising islamophobia as about terrorist attacks. if islamophobia is on the rise, however, one should decide who is primarily to blame. As long as our governments refuse to do this, and blame their own people first, the chances of saving Europe from islamo-fascism are bleak.
European governments dare not speak out against criminals intent on blowing up planes in flight without simultaneously threatening “islamophobes.” They tend to blame their own people for fear of antagonizing the immigrant population. This attitude is dead wrong. Islamophobia is the result of islamism. . .
This attitude has consequences for the populations of European nations:Sensing the unwillingness of their governments to fight the enemy in our midst, a growing number of Europeans no longer feel they have a secure future in their own countries. The number of emigrants in the Netherlands and Germany has surpassed the number of immigrants. In Belgium the emigration figure has risen by 15 per cent in the past four years. “Elderly people leave to go and live abroad permanently,” Prof Etienne Van Hecke of Leuven University says, “while young people emigrate for economic reasons.” In the Netherlands, the rise in emigration figures was most marked after the assassinations of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, which indicates that something more fundamental is going on than the desire of the elderly for the sunbelt and of the young for a job. The flight from Europe is more likely related to a loss of confidence in the future of nations that
have taken in the trojan horse of islamism and that, unlike the Trojans, lack
the guts to fight.
Europe continues to admit more and more immigrants from Muslim nations and continues to fail to assimalate them. Instead Europe makes more and more signifigant consessions to them, unitl not only are their neighborhoods enclaves of sharia where European governments and their police forces dare not intrude, but the condition of dimminitude has been forced on Europe's non-Muslim populaiton.
Of course this leads to the native population fleeing in ever increasing numbers. And as those unwilling to live under the lash of their new Islamic masters leave the percentage of the population willing to pay the jizra and accept their second-class status increases. The EuroLeft elites are happy to see people like this go because they are the same kind of people who vote for politicans like Pim Fortuyn.
When the Muslim population of a European nation increases to the point where they have a numerical majority the EuroLeft's "pact with Satan" (or should it be Eblis?) will come crashing down around them. As the governments of the European nations are taken over by mullahs and as their laws are modified to eliminate democracy, place the press under strict control, criminalize homosexuality, reduce the status of women to that of property and all the other things that are called for under strict Islamic law the urbane, educated, sophisticated, secular (if not outright atheist), socialists who currently occupy the preeminent positions in government, the media and academia will find themselves demoted, replaced and marginalized.
It is true that the European news media might not notice too much of a change. It is already difficult to tell Reuters apart from Al Jazeera, but do the European leftist elites think that the coming Muslim majorities will continue to return them to power? Do they think that Europe's universities will continue to be bastions of secular politically correct multiculturalism? Quick, someone name the two best engineering colleges in the Middle East. Which Islamic college has the best astronomy department? The best physics department? The most cutting edge medical school?
Europe is heading for a new Dark Age and those who hold power are refusing to do anything to stop it. Rather they seem determined to speed the process up as much as possible. Those who fear what the new European Islamic overlords will do to them are fleeing.
It is good that they have a place to go, but the Left in the US and Canada is as determined to preemptively surrender as any European intellictual is. It is too late for Europe, but America still has a choice. I plead with everyone reading this to remember this in November.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
The enemy of my enemy. . .
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
2:20 PM
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