Saturday, December 16, 2006

John McCain is Evil

From Think Progress:

John McCain has made clear that he doesn’t like the blogosphere.

Now he has introduced legislation that would treat blogs like Internet service providers and hold them responsible for all activity in the comments sections and user profiles. Some highlights of the legislation:

– Commercial websites and personal blogs “would be required to report illegal images or videos posted by their users or pay fines of up to $300,000.”

– Internet service providers (ISPs) are already required to issue such reports, but under McCain’s legislation, bloggers with comment sections may face “even stiffer penalties” than ISPs.

— Social networking sites will be forced to take "effective measures” — such as deleting user profiles — to remove any website that is “associated” with a sex offender. Sites may include not only Facebook and MySpace, but also, which permits author profiles and personal lists, and blogs like DailyKos, which allows users to sign up for personal

Kevin Bankston of the Electronic Frontier Foundation notes that this proposal may be based more “on fear or political considerations rather than on the facts.” When he introduced his legislation to the Senate, McCain offered no evidence that children are being victimized by people who post comments on blogs.

McCain’s legislation could deal a serious blow to the blogosphere. Lacking resources to police their sites, many individual blogs may have to shut down open discussion.

OK now, everybody say it with me JOHN MCCAIN IS EVIL!

Do you still have any doubts?

Not content with raping the First Amendment when it comes to political campaigns he now wants to gut the blogosphere. His reasons are easily understood. While the mainstream media will (he thinks) give him a free pass too many people in the blogosphere have his number and will tell the truth about him in 2008.

He is too stupid and egomanical to realize that the liberal media acts like it loves him because he aids them in their agenda of attacking and discrediting conservative Republicans. The nanosecond that Republican presidential candidate McCain takes the field against Democrat candidate Hillary or Obama or whoever else they throw up in the next election the same media which has fawned over and idolized McCain will turn on him with an absolute savagery never before seen in this nation. Not even the media feeding frenzy of Watergate will come close to what they will do to McCain.

Because, you see, the media down deep in their black little hearts hate McCain. They are willing to use him; to build him up and carry his water, because he is useful to them. But McCain is a traitor, a backstabber and betrayer and nobody loves a Judas, not even the Devil.

So when the agenda no longer requires the media to support McCain they will turn on him and all the pent up hate and contempt will come pouring out and he will be pounded into the ground like a tent peg. And all the while the moron won't have a clue about why its happening because his delusion is so great that he really believes that the press loves and respects him and sees his true worth as a leader.

Well Senator the media does see your "true value". You shit on your fellow Republicans and that makes you valuable to the Left. When you value has ended they won't leave enough of you to fill a matchbox.

Hat Tip: Sondra K