Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Red China improves censorship technology

China will tighten controls on Internet blogs and webcasts in a response to new technologies that have allowed cyber citizens to avoid government censorship efforts, state press reported Tuesday.

Following a call from President Hu Jintao in January to "purify" the Internet, the ruling Communist Party will introduce new regulations targeting blogs and webcasts, one of the nation's chief censors was cited as saying.

"Advanced network technologies such as blogging and webcasting have been mounting new challenges to the government's ability to supervise the Internet," Press and Publication Administration head Long Xinmin said, according to Xinhua news agency.

The Great Firewall of is a website which will test your website to see if it is available in communist China.

Hillbilly White Trash is blocked. That's right the evil old men who have their boot heel on the neck of 1.3 billion human beings realize that letting their enslaved population have access to this blog would threaten their power more than any number of guns or bombs.

Lemuel Calhoon, terrorising tyrants since November, 2005.