Now I fear they are simply slouching toward irrevelence to die:
From Front Page Magazine:
Mainline church agencies, often guided more by 20th century ideologies of the left than historic Christianity, love to “apologize.” But typically, they are not apologizing for their own sins of making the Gospel appear fatuous. Instead, they are “apologizing” for supposed systemic sins that assume that America is inherently racist, oppressive and corrupt.
The latest “apology” is coming from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Salem Presbytery in North Carolina. On November 3, 1979, communists, Klansmen and Nazis in the unlikely place of Greensboro, North Carolina exchanged gun-fire with each other, leaving five communists dead, eight communists wounded, and one Klansmen wounded. As revealed by The Presbyterian Layman, the Presbyterians are planning to apologize on behalf of all the Nazis, Klansmen and communists, though apparently none one of these delightful people was actually a Presbyterian.
No matter. The Salem Presbyterian, in its “reconciliation report,” observes that it was “racism and poverty that gave rise” to the Nazi-Klan-communist mayhem. So everyone is responsible, including the Presbyterians of the greater Greensboro area.
Amazingly, neither Geraldo Rivera nor Jerry Springer was in any way involved with the 1979 confrontation in Greensboro. It had all the other makings of a scripted afternoon trash tabloid extravaganza, though ending with far more tragedy than just a bloody nose for Geraldo.
The Maoist Communist Workers Party organized a “Death to the Klan Rally” in a predominantly black housing project in Greensboro. According to the Raleigh News and Observer, a Nazi-Klan caravan showed up at the rally, eager for confrontation. The communists, no shrinking violets themselves, began pounding on the Nazi-Klan cars. True to form, the Nazis and Klansmen fired their guns at the communists.
According to the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report, the Nazis and Klansmen fired 21 shots from eight guns, hitting 13 communists. The communists returned fire, shooting 18 shots from as many as five guns, wounding one Klansman. A photographer was also wounded in the exchange, which come to be known as the “Greensboro Massacre.”
[. . .]
The Presbyterians in Greensboro are trying to make a substantive theological point by speaking of “shared responsibility” and pointing to Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. But the traditional Christian understanding of original sin means that all are sinful, not that all are equally and simultaneously guilty of all sins at all times.
Whatever the sins of Greensboro, it is doubtful that, then or now, many of its citizens sympathized with any of the three hate groups slamming away at each other on November 3, 1979, much less desired the spilling of their blood in the streets. If the Presbyterians of Greensboro really want to be useful, they will share their church’s Gospel with lost people, not “apologize” for the unrepentant guilty or blame the innocent for sins they did not commit.
It grieves me to see what the doctrines of left-liberalism can do to a once great organization which was founded on a desire to proclaim the Word of God to a lost world.
I highly recommend clicking over to Front Page and reading the whole article. It goes into what happened at the trial of the Klansmen and Nazis.
I have more than a passing familiarity with the events of that day as I was once hired to investigate the role of a certain person in those events. I can't say more because of client confidentiality but I can tell you that if certain people had been able to complete their plans that the communists would have been able to do worse than turn the trial into jackass political theater.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Presbyterian Church (USA) was once a great servant of God
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
10:12 AM
Labels: The Greensboro Massacre, The Left
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