Saturday, May 19, 2007

America is in just as much danger as Europe from uncontrolled immigration

From The Brussels Journal:

I am skeptical of basing the future of our societies on abstract principles such as “human rights” alone, partly because they can so easily be defined and redefined beyond recognition by aggressive activists and elites. I have already quoted a columnist who said that it should be considered a “human right” for all human beings to move wherever they want to. At what point does the number of immigrants become so large that it interferes with the “human right” of the native population to keep their culture?

This is not a theoretical question, it is happening in front of our eyes now in Western Europe, where native Europeans have to watch as their cultural traditions are dismantled and removed from the school curriculum under the pretext that we are now a “Multicultural society.” And, yes, this is a large-scale social experiment being conducted on hundreds of millions of people. At some point, the sheer number of immigrants will infringe on the right of the natives to retain their cultural traditions.

The only possible solution to this dilemma is, in my view, to say that the right of the native population in the country to maintain their culture takes precedence over that of immigrants to do the same thing. This means that immigration needs to be limited in numbers to assimilation levels and exclude individuals from totally incompatible cultures, such as the Islamic ones. If nations are not allowed to state that they want limited immigration or even no immigration at all, this amounts to what I called neo-Communism, in which you are not allowed to decide who should settle in your own home.

Multiculturalism is primarily championed in Western nations. It is highly unlikely, to say the least, that a person from Finland, Canada or the Netherlands would want, much less be allowed to, move to Pakistan or Iran and expect to get state support for “keeping their culture,” but the reverse happens every single day. In the 21st century, many of the least economically successful cultures on earth are in the midst of the largest population boom in human history. If they should be allowed to continue to export, indefinitely, parts of their unsustainable population growth to other nations and those who move should be allowed to keep their culture, “human rights” de facto amount to the unilateral eradication of Western culture. And that’s precisely why the anti-Western Left support it. They can permanently destroy the West, and they can claim to do this in the name of “tolerance and diversity.”

You could substitute Mexican for Muslim in that essay and it would apply to America just as well as to Western Europe. Mexicans do not adhere to a "religion" which requires them to chop the heads off of people who do not worship in exactly the same way as they do, however they still threaten the American culture.

Many Americans think that "a Mexican is a Mexican". This is untrue. The northern part of Mexico is more prosperous and more like the United States. Its citizens are more politically conservative. The southern part of Mexico is much poorer and is where the bulk of those who seek to enter the United States illegally come from.

The north of Mexico is where PAN (The National Action Party) of Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderon have their strongest support. While neither of these men is popular among American conservatives because of the constant pressure they have placed on Washington to grant amnesty to Mexicans illegally in the US it should be realized that this political party represents the best chance to bring any kind of real free market reform to Mexico.

Southern Mexico is the base of support for the more hard line socialist and even communist politicians and parties. It is common to see political rallies in the south decorated with posters of Castro, Che, Lenin and lately Hugo Chavez.

This represents a primary reason (along with the money that illegal Mexicans send back to their families in Mexico) that Fox and Calderon are so desperate to keep the door into America open for the poorest Mexicans. They know that it represents a safety valve allowing them to export communist revolutionaries into the USA and away from Mexico.

What these Mexican peasants will do when they acquire the right to vote in American elections is not something that Fox or Calderon (or apparently Bush) are prepared to consider. But the American people should consider it carefully. There are enough leftists in America (look at how many votes John Kerry received in the last presidential election) that the addition of 8 or more million votes could grant the Democrat Party a permanent majority in the federal government and most, if not all, state governments.

Right now Hillary Clinton needs to at least pretend to be something other than a doctrinaire Marxist. What would she do if the "center" of the political spectrum suddenly moved over to where Dennis Kucinich is?

Now understand I am not claiming that the illiterate Mexicans coming across the border are a bunch of well trained Marxist political operatives intent on raising the flag of red revolution in America. What they are is uneducated, unskilled and desperately poor. They are looking for a better life either by work or welfare. However what political training they have had is from radical leftists who think that the Venezuela of Hugo Chavez is the bright shining beacon of hope for the downtrodden.

All they know about politics is that socialism is supposed to mean that the rich people will have to share with the poor people and no one will go hungry. Once they get to America the left (and the left will be everyone from the social workers who give them their food stamps and housing vouchers and welfare checks to the parish priest to the Spanish language media to their kid's school teachers in their bi-lingual public schools to the union organizers who sign them up for the fruit pickers local) will not tell them anything different and when they go into the voting booth who do you think they will pull the lever for?

After a few generations of this will the United States of America still exist? Oh, there will be a place on the map called the USA, but it will not be the nation created by Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Franklin. It will look more like the East Germany of 1970, except with taco stands and Corona (while the EU a few generations from now will look like Arabia under the "Rightly Guided Caliphs").

I have shouted myself hoarse warning about this and in a few days one of two things will happen. Either the traitor's coalition of RINOs and Democrats will win their battle to destroy the American Republic or they will be stopped - this time. Which will mean that in the next congress the battle will begin all over again.

But at least we'll have a few months to rest.

Maybe I'll have a Corona and a taco.