From The Washington Post:
There is little doubt about how grass-roots organizations feel about a bipartisan immigration compromise reached in the Senate: They don't like it.
The New York Immigration Coalition issued a statement that called the proposal unacceptable, saying, "We say no to this deal." In California, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund vowed to oppose numerous provisions in the plan. In Massachusetts, an immigrant and refugee advocacy coalition said the deal was "immoral, unworkable and unacceptable."
While the senators and Bush administration officials exchanged congratulations on Capitol Hill for reaching the compromise, supporters and opponents of illegal immigrants eyed the politicians warily and prepared for a legislative showdown as the proposal heads to the Senate floor this week.
[. . .]
As far as the advocates are concerned, the creation of a path, albeit an arduous one, to legal status for illegal immigrants is the deal's only high note. It is "responsive to the immigration movement's demand for a legalization program for the undocumented," said Deepak Bhargava, executive director of the nonprofit Center for Community Change, which helped to organize and bankroll last year's huge immigrant marches.
But Bhargava agreed with others who said the proposal cannot work without significant changes. Angelica Salas, executive director for the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, said the proposed guest-worker program that creates jobs for migrant workers but gives them no path to citizenship is wrong.
Apparently the open borders activists didn't get the memo from Senator Kennedy's office. All of the provision in the legislation which conservatives support will be stripped out. Some will be killed on the Senate floor now and the rest will be removed in upcoming legislative sessions.
For example next year "everyone" will agree that the fines are too high and need to be drastically reduced or eliminated altogether. The "go back to Mexico and move to the end of the line" provision will be seen as too onerous since it would result in family divisions and cause alien criminals currently working to lose jobs.
All of the family reunification provisions will be replaced for "compassionate" reasons and measures which would have a "disparate impact" on African and Latin Americans will be killed for reasons of "diversity".
In other words by 2010 America's immigration laws will be exactly what the left wants them to be. The result will be 20 million new Democrat voters and the conservative movement in America will be dead. If the Republican Party doesn't wish to go the way of the Whigs it will have to eject its socially and fiscally conservative members and become the party of Lincoln Chaffee.
The only place for conservatives to go will be the Constitution Party, which will occupy a place in American society similar to the John Birch Society.
The level of anger about this betrayal has surprised many in Washington (another indication of just how out of touch they are) and has endangered the passage of this legislative turd. I urge everyone to ride their Senators and Congressman hard about this and we may yet save the Republic. For another year at least.
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Senate's immigration betrayal sparks outcry
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
9:41 AM
Labels: Illegal Immigration
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