From ABC News:
Key senators in both parties announced agreement with the White House Thursday on an immigration overhaul that would grant quick legal status to millions of illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and fortify the border.
Does anyone with an IQ above room temperature believe that once the quick legal status is granted that the border fortifications will be built?
The plan would create a temporary worker program to bring new arrivals to the U.S. A separate program would cover agricultural workers. New high-tech enforcement measures also would be instituted to verify that workers are here legally.
"Temporary worker program" equals open borders. As for the high-tech enforcement measures how many people with an IQ above room temperature believe that the federal government is competent to devise and administer such a program? The federal government sees over 40 people using the same social security number and can't figure out that somethings wrong. What makes anyone think that they'll get better overnight?
Anticipating criticism from conservatives, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said, "It is not amnesty. This will restore the rule of law."
You can dress a pig in a tuxedo, but it's still a pig. They came to this country because they wanted to live here and work here (or get on welfare here) this bill allows them to do that. They are being rewarded by being given the thing that they broke the law to get. What if a rapist's "punishment" was paying a fine after which he would be allowed to have sex with his victim as often as he wished. Would that be justice?
The accord sets the stage for what promises to be a bruising battle next week in the Senate on one of Bush's top non-war priorities. The president has said he wants to sign an immigration bill by summer's end.
It damned well better be "bruising". It had better bruise the people who supported this abomination to political death! And as for what president Bush wants I don't give a rodent's rectum. The son of a bitch has been disappointed before and he'll be disappointed again.
If this passes it will be the death of America, at least the America created by the Founding Fathers. The government admits that there are around 12 million illegals in this nation. The truth is that there are between 20 and 30 million. If they are allowed to become citizens the majority will vote Democrat. This will create an unbeatable left wing governing majority which will quickly reverse the good parts of the immigration reform (and there are some good parts) in favor of allowing even more ignorant and unskilled peasants into the nation. All for the purpose of further swelling the ranks of Democrat voters.
If this passes it will guarantee Hillary Clinton the presidency in 2008. If fact if this passes George W Bush will be the last Republican president in the history of the USA.
If this passes do not bother ever giving a dime to a Republican political candidate again. It will be money wasted. Don't bother beating the drum to get Fred Thompson into the race because it won't matter who the Republican nominee is.
If this passes then one day, after the People's Republic of Aztlan (what the US will become) has long fallen and after the World Islamic Caliphate (which will arise once the US is no longer around to stop it) has crumbled to dust and free men once again walk the earth future historians will inscribe the names of George W Bush and Ted Kennedy and John McCain and all the other politicians who support this sellout alongside Judas Iscariot and Benedict Arnold on the roll of humanity's greatest traitors.
That is unless we stop it. Remember nothing is a done deal until it actually gets done. HillaryCare looked like a done deal until the people spoke so loudly that even a Democrat congress couldn't pretend not to hear.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Stabbed in the back!
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
9:19 PM
Labels: Illegal Immigration
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