Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Jackass becomes ever more brown

From The New York Times:

WASHINGTON, June 9 — Helped by the fight over immigration, Democratic presidential candidates are courting Hispanic voters like never before, prompted by a string of early primaries in states with sizable Hispanic voting blocs.

It has forced candidates to hire outreach consultants, to start Spanish-language Web sites and to campaign vigorously before Hispanic audiences.

The battle for Hispanic voters is a result of the decision by several states with large Hispanic populations to move their presidential primaries to early 2008, including California, Florida and New York. Roughly two-thirds of the nation’s Hispanic residents live in nine of the states holding Democratic primaries or caucuses on or before Feb. 5.

Republican and Democratic strategists, as well as independent analysts, say the influence of Hispanic voters is likely to be amplified next year because of an unusually intense response in many Hispanic communities to immigration policy. Conservative Republicans, with the help of some left-leaning Democrats, teamed up on Thursday to derail an immigration bill in the Senate that would have provided a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

It is in the new early primary states where Democrats hope the outreach efforts bear fruit. In the last presidential election, Hispanic voters accounted for a significant part of the overall Democratic primary electorate in California (16 percent), New York (11 percent), Arizona (17 percent) and Florida (9 percent), all states that will hold primaries by Feb 5.

As Heather Mac Donald has demonstrated, and I have written about here, here, here, and here, Hispanic voters currently and in the future will continue to favor Democrats. Republican support for amnesty would not overcome the demographic forces which push Latinos to the left politically.

The facts that slavery was ended by a Republican president and Jim Crow laws were enacted by Democrat state legislatures and civil rights legislation at the federal level was supported by Republicans and filibustered by Democrat senators do not translate into the Republican Party being the party of America's blacks. In the same way a Republican supported amnesty bill would not magically transform poorly educated, low skilled, low paid, Mexican immigrants who are often on some form of welfare and are very overrepresented in the nation's criminal ranks into good candidates for membership in the GOP.

California and New York are already lost to Republicans and Florida is more likely to vote Democrat because of the influx of left-wing Yankees who retire there and lack the good grace to die or become too senile to vote as quickly as they used to than it is because its Cuban population suddenly decides to start voting for Castro's American allies. As for Arizona as long as the illegals can't vote it should stay Republican for a while longer.

The base of the GOP are those Americans who are able to live their lives without being attached to the government tit like some nursing piglet trapped in perpetual infancy. The Republican Party's only hope for the future is to get government out of the economy's way so that more and more of that kind of person can emerge.