During this entire "poison preacher" scandal I've been exasperated not so much by what Jeremiah Wright said but by the stunned and shocked reaction to it from so many people on the right. Did these people not know that the majority of black people in this nation believe lunatic conspiracy theories about how the "white people" want to exterminate them?
Has everyone forgotten how frequently rumors about how some consumer product has a chemical in it which will "make black men sterile" burn their way through the black community? [Reference here, here and here]
In her last column Ann Coulter wrote about how the left patronizes, and therefore infantalizes, black Americans by ignoring or excusing their bad behavior:We treat blacks like children, constantly talking about their temper tantrums right in front of them with airy phrases about black anger. I will not pat blacks on the head and say, "Isn't that cute?" As a post-racial American, I do not believe "the legacy of slavery" gives black people the right to be permanently ill-mannered.
But it would appear that a great many on the right are willing to do essentially the same thing. By expressing shock at Wright's hateful sermons and acting as though they are some kind of freakish aberration within the black community people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are doing a disservice to their listeners and to the nation as a whole.
Black people's voluntary self-segregation into an insulated "community" under "leaders" whose self interest is tied up with keeping blacks isolated, insulated, paranoid and poor turns the "race problem" in the US into a malignant tumor endangering our culture.
This all benefits the Democrat party' elected leaders (if you doubt that the majority of blacks are taught from birth to hate this nation consider the fact that around 90% of them routinely vote for the hate America/blame America political party) but it does so at the expense of everyone else.
If you don't know that any predominantly black church in a large city like Chicago is more than likely going to have a pastor like Jeremiah Wright then learn it. If you do know that fact then don't pretend otherwise and do not be afraid to say so.
When my mother and her sister got back from their last trip to France (this was at least six years ago) they told me that one of the first things that that noticed was that the great majority of the French people had stopped stinking. It seems that they became tired of being made fun of by the citizens of other civilized nations for seldom bathing and using deodorant and cologne to mask the body odor so they started using soap and water on a regular basis.
If the French can be induced to reform an attitude toward cleanliness which had remained largely unchanged since the Dark Ages then American blacks can be shamed into abandoning paranoid conspiracy theories and reflexive anger at the greater culture. The can also learn to stop filling their church pulpits with crazy as a shithouse rat demagogues like Jeremiah Wright.
BTY, I say this not from hatred of Mr. Wright. Given the fact that Mr. Wright obviously has as much European DNA as African and that the name Wright is a recognized sept of Clan McIntyre there is a decent chance that he and I are related.
Friday, March 21, 2008
More thoughs on Preachergate
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
9:36 AM
Labels: B. Hussein Obama, Campaign 2008, Race Relations
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