Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Some thoughts on The Walking Dead
I caught the first (and now the second) episode of AMC's The Walking Dead and had a few thoughts.
1. This is left over from last season. What's the deal about guns being so scarce that someone had to go back into the heart of zombie occupied Atlanta to retrieve a bag of firearms? This is Georgia in the heart of the American Southeast. If you want a gun just go into any house and chances overwhelmingly favor finding a few laying around. If you don't want to enter a private residence then go into any gun store, pawn shop, sporting goods store or any big box "mart-mart" and you'll find at least rifles and shotguns. Also you can go into any sheriff's office, city police office or state highway patrol office or National Guard armory. In the NG armory you just might find full auto weapons and explosives as well.
2. This season they are searching for the missing girl and hear church bells. They find a church which is clearly identified as "Southern Baptist". They find that the bells are recorded chimes (we will not ask where the electric power came from) and set about to exploring the building. Upon entering they find a giant crucifix hanging behind the pulpit - just like one might find in a Roman Catholic church, but would not see in a Southern Baptist church.
3. What's with the ratty old camper? They are in the Atlanta metropolitan area! There are dozens of dealerships with brand new RV's, some nearly the size of Greyhound buses that they could help themselves to. There are also plenty of dealerships full of new SUV's that they could expropriate.
4. And while we're on vehicles why have the redneck ride a chopped Harley with hangers when a good dirt bike would be far more practical? After all he could go off road when necessary and maneuver through much tighter areas. But why have a motorcycle riding point anyway since a biker would be much easier for the zombies to unseat and dine upon than someone enclosed in a car? It would be better to tow the bike behind the camper and use it when needed.
5. They need to have a wrecker with winch and push-board to ride point so that it can clear obstructions. An armed man can ride shotgun.
6. Disarming everyone is a spectacularly bad idea. The theory is that only the two deputies are trained to use firearms however the alternative is to give everyone an edged weapon. Ask yourself this, which is easier to use without training, a handgun or a sword?
It seems very obvious to me that the writers and directors of this show have never been south of Washington DC.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
11:13 AM
It's time to thin the herd
There have been enough debates by now for the public to have formed an impression of the candidates who are contesting for the GOP nomination and so it is time for those with no chance of being the party's standard bearer to step aside so that remaining debates can focus upon those the public had decided to take seriously.
Michelle Bachmann would make a very good president, but the impression she has made is not adequate to give her the victory and she should withdraw. That she does not indicates that she is no longer running for president but for vice president or, and more likely, Speaker of the House. There is nothing wrong with these ambitions, but continuing to advance them in this forum is destructive to the GOP and its chances of picking a thoroughly vetted candidate that can defeat Obama next year.
Much the same can be said of Rick Santorum. He would make a wonderful president, but it won't be him. At least not this time around. I think he knows this. In fact I think he has always known this. His goal in entering the race was either to secure the VP slot or another cabinet position. Or to increase his stature back home in Pennsylvania for another Senate run.
Newt Gingrich just might be narcissist enough to have thought he could have gotten the nomination and then won the White House. But probably even he was not that delusional. This is almost certainly a vanity run for Newt whose real purpose is to allow him to raise his speaking fees and get a new book deal or two. Of course a cabinet post or even the vice presidency could also be in his sights. Whatever his true agenda remaining in the race only harms the party and by extension the nation. Newt is smart enough to understand this so if he chooses to remain in the race it will be because he has made the conscience choice to put his interests ahead of the country's.
John Huntsman never had a chance but is probably too stupid to have realized it. Remember when the White House leaked that Huntsman was the one Republican that Obama feared running against. No? Don't be embarrassed it was only in the news for about two days. Democrats always do this. They leak the name of some clueless liberal RINO that they know that they could beat in their sleep as the "one Republican that could defeat us" and hope that the GOP takes the bait. Like we did in 2008. The result is always the same. When we bite we go down in flames.
Ron Paul is the best guy in the race on domestic fiscal issues however his views on national security and the closely related field of foreign policy utterly disqualify him from serious consideration. If you want to know what Paul's response to a threat from a foreign power would be just look at how The US and the Great Powers of Europe dealt with Hitler. That is Paulism in a nutshell. Except that when Germany invaded Poland Europe did, at last" go to war. If Paul had been running things I doubt that even the Blitz would have stirred him to combat. After all war is the health of the state. Paul knows that he isn't going to be president. This campaign is just a way for him to raise his stature for future book sales and speaking engagements.
Rick Perry might make a good president. He has a good record as governor of Texas but his views on illegal immigration are deeply troubling. If 10 plus million Mexicans suddenly gain the right to vote in US elections they will give the Democrats an unbeatable electoral majority for at least the next 50 years. From that point forward every president and congressional majority will be like Obama/Pelosi on steroids. If you want America to become Venezuela vote in a president and congressmen who favor amnesty. Having said that it is still a fact that Perry is the popular governor of a large and very prosperous state so he must, for at least a little while longer, be taken seriously as a candidate in the primary process. If he continues to implode over the next couple of months he should leave but for now he has a legitimate place in the race.
Herman Cain never expected to get this far but now he is the front runner. While he has not thought out clear positions on all the issues that a president will have to deal with (especially foreign policy) he has good instincts and as a very successful CEO knows how to seek and follow good advice from legitimate experts. As the frontrunner he absolutely has a place in the race. In fact right now he is the candidate I'm backing.
Mitt Romney. What can you say about Mitt? He has been running for the presidency since 2007. I supported him back in 2008 after the Thompson candidacy imploded as the only man who could keep John McCain's name off the top of the ticket but that was just a choice between the lesser of evils. Romney should not be president but his place as the number 1 or 2 candidate in polls earns him a place one the stage.
As things now stand the debates are so crowded with also-rans in the race only for ego or to further other ambitions that it becomes impossible to examine the three serious candidates properly. It is very important that they be encouraged to withdraw.
The mainstream media will not put pressure on any RINO candidate to leave the race while they will restlessly hammer an conservative candidate. It will be up to rank and file Republican voters to push the dead wood off the stage. That means that those with a soft spot in their hearts for Bachmann or Santorum need to face reality and let their candidate know that it is time to leave and throw their support behind Perry or Cain (preferable Cain).
Ron Paul supporters are as hopeless as he is. Libertarianism is a utopian cult which at its heart is as anti-American as the nihilist death-cult of progressive liberalism. Ron Paul's pod-people supporters don't give a rats ass about the good of the nation as long as they get to run wild through the primary process spray painting their graffiti all over the walls and gaming the results of every electronic poll to make it look like Paul has the support of more than a handful of basement dwelling malcontents.
To sum up the campaign season started early this year so the time has already come to thin the ranks of the candidates. Otherwise we will wind up with Mitt Romney running against Barack Obama. Liberal-lite running against Liberal-extreme.
Not a good outcome for the nation no matter who wins.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
9:52 AM
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
More good news
From USNews:
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
4:56 PM
So clever that only Satan could have thought it up
"And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, and they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them."From the Book of Mormon - 2 Nephi 5:21
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
9:34 AM
So, one RINO endorses another RINO.
Is anyone surprised?
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
7:25 AM
Monday, October 10, 2011
The incredible imploding presidency of B. Hussein Obama
From The New York Post:
Can't say that anything here surprises me. This is the first time in Obama's life that he has been held accountable for his actions. There is no one here to step in and rewrite a "C" term paper into an "A" for him (or just change the grade). No ghost writer to take his notes and turn it into the autobiography that he couldn't finish. No unspoken agreement among his fellow law students to refrain from commenting on the fact that his only signed article was something that would have embarrassed a high school senior taking college prep courses.
Little Barry is all on his own and even the MSM can't (and is increasingly unwilling to try to) disguise the fact that his is simply in way over his head. He was unqualified for the job. Had no experience to help prepare him for the job and had never come face to face with any of the hard cold realities of the real world outside of a very brief stint in a private sector law firm in which he said that he felt that he was "behind enemy lines".
Obama has never before had to consider that the faculty lounge Marxism that he absorbed from his moonbat mother, from his Marxist professors, from the "structural feminists" and "radical foreign students" that he deliberately and exclusively cultivated as friends during his college career might just be utterly wrong. Never before has little Barry had to face the fact that the ideas for a utopian society based on the radical redistribution of wealth that he has never even once thought to question might fail disastrously when put into practice.
And now he can't process the fact that nothing that he has done has worked. Marxism really is The God That Failed.
If the reality of the horror that Marxism brings hadn't been out there for any thinking person to see before Obama was even born I might feel a bit sorry for him. But as it is I can have no sympathy. He made his bed and now he must lie in it.
The tragedy is that for the next 15 months the rest of us must lay there with him.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
11:31 PM
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Evil Corporations Hypocrites
This was posted on Knowledge is Power and is one of the best commentaries on the current stupidity going on in New York, and other large (and no so large) cities.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
1:41 PM
Groveling before the MSM
Unfortunately, it looks like the forces of smear, slander, and threat have finally claimed their intended victim. With Palin's announcement that she won't run for president, the election is essentially over.
The calculus is fairly simple: the media and GOP establishment want Romney to be the nominee. Once a progressive is at the head of the Republican ticket, low turnout for Republicans will hand a narrow victory to Obama.
Furthermore, Obama will eviscerate Romney in the debates. When the subject of health care comes up, Obama will challenge Romney, who will have to reiterate the lame excuse for the statist intrusion he signed into law in Massachusetts. Obama will also be able to point to Romney's support of Brady and other gun control bills, state-run health care, and any number of other progressive-statist stances Romney has taken, or vacillated in and out of, in the past. Obama doubtless has an excellent research team, and they will be in full force to try to destroy Romney. This will suppress the voter turnout.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
12:02 PM
Friday, October 07, 2011
Steve Jobs - ART (Assumes Room Temperature)
By now you have heard about Apple's Steve Jobs assuming room temperature. Many have waxed rhapsodic about what a good businessman Mr. Jobs was and about how uber-cool his products are. All very true.
Jobs was a very smart and inventive man and he was a master marketer.
However Jobs was also a left-liberal who used his wealth and the power of his reputation to promote the very policies which place an obstacle in the path of anyone trying to replicate Apple's success. Which, I suspect, is at the heart of most limousine liberals liberalism. The desire to keep the super rich people's club as exclusive as possible.
When you strip away all the hype what Jobs did was give us really cool toys to distract us from the fact that he was trying to deprive us of our liberty and prosperity (strange isn't it how the public policies he advocated would have drastically shrunk the pool of potential customers who could have afforded his products).
At the end of the day Jobs was either a very stupid man in all areas other than his particular field of expertise or he was a profoundly evil man for promoting political ideas which would have done, and are doing, great harm to his nation.
Either way I will neither miss him nor morn him.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
2:07 PM
Good News!
From YahooNews:
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
1:52 PM