Friday, June 01, 2007

At last Mr. Bush gets mad

From The Houston Chronicle:

President Bush sounded like he hoped to sever ties with the remaining 30 percent who like him when he went after critics in his party this week over opposition to his latest immigration plan.

"If you want to scare the American people, what you say is the bill's an amnesty bill," Bush said during a stop in Glynco, Ga. "That's empty political rhetoric, trying to frighten our citizens."

It was his harshest public backhand yet to the conservative bloggers, commentators, politicians and CNN anchor Lou Dobbs, all gassing about how the bill amounts to amnesty.

"People shouldn't fear our capacity to uphold our motto, E Pluribus Unum," Bush told McClatchy Newspapers.

For pretty much the entire Bush presidency conservatives have been hoping and praying that he would take the gloves off and come out swinging against his opponents.

He finally has. Only it is conservatives he is attacking. He is treating us the way he has never treated congressional Democrats or nutcase environmental fascists or the mainstream media which has done its best to paint him as a barely functional low-grade moron having his strings pulled by shadowy "powers behind the throne".

The president has turned on the people who stood behind him and supported him through all the ups and downs of his presidency. The core of the conservative movement. Those without whom he could not have been elected to either his first or second term.

He prefers to serve the interests of Mexican criminals rather than the people who made him president.

That speaks for itself.

Oh, and E Pluribus Unum means "out of many, one". It refers to the several sovereign states which surrendered a portion of their sovereignty in order to form one union, the United States of America. It does not refer to the many peoples who came from other nations to populate the USA. And if it did it would speak of the people of many different nationalities who came to the US in order to renounce what they used to be in order to become something different - and better - Americans.

The immigrants who came to this country and built it and made it great abandoned the language, dress, customs and ways of thinking which characterized their former homes and assimilated into American culture. If the Mexicans wanted to do that we wouldn't have to press fraking ONE for English!