Monday, June 11, 2012
Saturday, June 09, 2012
So true that it's scary
The left's most potent weapon is that fact that most on the right are too polite to call them what they really are.
If we ever gain the courage to simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about how Satanically evil they are they will melt faster than the Wicked Witch under a waterfall.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
7:53 PM
Bob Welch RIP - August 31, 1945 – June 7, 2012
Sentimental Lady was originally recorded on Fleetwood Mac's album Bare Trees. A more polished version was included on his solo album French Kiss.
This was Welch's biggest hit. You can hear Christine McVie and Lindsey Buckingham doing backup vocals.
Another very popular song written by Bob Welch while he was with Fleetwood Mac was Hypnotized.
Mr. Welch gave his wife the last gift he would ever be able to give her when he took his own life to spare her the pain of having to care for him while he slowly died.
These things tend to come in threes. First Doc Watson, now Bob Welch. I wonder who's next.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
7:29 PM
On of the greatest American Presidents
Ever wonder who is is on the opening montage of the Glen Beck show who says “I want the people of America to be able to work less for the government and more for themselves."?
It is president Calvin Coolidge, speaking from the White House grounds in 1924
This is what Calvin Coolidge thought and this is how he governed. This is why you will not find him on any typical historian's list of the greatest American presidents.
The academy has a symbiotic relationship with the government. The government funds the educational establishment and the educational establishment reciprocates by providing the intellectual foundation for ever larger, more intrusive and more expensive government.
Would it not be wonderful if men who thought this way could once again come to dominate the government of the United States.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
9:00 AM
Friday, June 08, 2012
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
D-Day June 6, 1944
I include this clip from the movie Saving Private Ryan because those who lived through the Normandy Beach landing say that is is as close as anyone can come to showing what it was like.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
10:55 AM
Walker Wins!
Nation doges bullet.
[. . .]
This last is truly monumental. When no longer forced to belong to - and finance - a union large percentages of workers simply dropped out. On his radio show this morning Glen Beck predicted that if Walker won this election that at least one third of those Wisconsin public sector workers who remained in the unions would withdraw as well. I tend to agree with him, but we will have to wait as see.
For now what is important is that in a state which voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008 a Republican governor who had earned the bitterest possible hatred from public employee unions (one of the most important of the core constituencies of the Democrat party) won a decisive victory in a recall election, something no US governor has been able to do before.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
12:21 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
If Obama had a son who was a zombie
He would look like Rudy Eugene the Causeway Cannibal.
They're saying that it was Bath Salts but I'm not convinced. We'll have to wait and see if the guy whose face got eaten off turns.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
12:49 AM
RIP Doc Watson
Arthel Lane "Doc" Watson (March 3, 1923 – May 29, 2012). There will never be another like him.
Deep River Blues at the Hardly, Strictly Bluegrass Festival.
Shady Grove. Doc courted his wife with this song. It was her favorite.
Black Mountain Rag.
Tennessee Stud
Blue Railroad Train.
Amazing Grace.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
12:05 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
And this is why they kicked you out
Via Network Indiana:
This is par for the course for these RINO's. They lose a primary and get bitter then start lashing out. Of course he won't campaign for Mourdock, but at least he isn't endorsing the Democrat or starting a write-in campaign. Both of which we've seen happen.
Oh, and we also have to acknowledge that he didn't see the writing on the wall and switch parties, which we've also seen happen.
As for his "advice" to Mr. Mourdock, he can keep it. We don't need more "reach across the isle and compromise" nonsense. What, exactly, are we supposed to compromise with the left on?
We have compromised ourselves into debt so enormous that it stands an excellent chance of collapsing the entire economy and starting a global depression. And that's just the debt we own up to.
If we had to count our unfunded liabilities - like any private business in America - and factor in the future costs of Social Security and Medicare the debt crisis would appear ten times worse.
And the economy isn't the only issue. The left has no intention of doing anything effective to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. What should our "compromise" position on that be?
The left wants to pretend that the war on terror is over and go back to a 9/10/2001 mindset. What should our "compromise" position on that be?
The left wants to continue dumping billions of dollars into various AGW boondoggles in support of a discredited theory. What should our "compromise" position on that be?
The left wants to continue to squander billions of dollars on various "green energy" schemes which are nothing more than pipe dreams with no possibility of replacing fossil fuels in the lifetime of any person now living. What should our "compromise" position on that be?
The left wants to continue to Balkanize Americans, dividing us by race, sex, net worth, sexual orientation, religion and any other division that will let them set one group against another in their strategy of using the corrosive poison of identity politics. What should our "compromise" position on that be?
There was a time when Democrats and Republicans shared a common vision of America as a good and virtuous nation. As the last best hope of freedom in the world. As a "shining city on a hill". Democrats and Republicans shared the goal of seeing America as a strong, free and prosperous nation. They simply had some different ideas on the best way to achieve those goals.
Unfortunately the Democrat way was tried and failed. The centralizing, regulating, nanny-state approach of the progressives have created a modern America in which nearly half the population depends upon some kind of government check for all or part of their sustenance.
If America endures any more "compromise" with the left we will wind up like Europe, but America's slide into the abyss will be far more likely to resemble Germany of 1934 than Greece of 2012.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
9:14 AM
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
It's what's for. . .
Oh, hell. I give up.
From The Miami Herald:
Perhaps the cannibal was simply insane.
Or perhaps this was the first event in the coming Zombie Apocalypse!
Stock up now! Better safe than sorry.
Remember when battling zombies only head shots count and it really helps to scream while shooting.
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
5:54 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Rack up another for Obama
I think President Obama has over-performed...I think he has done a marvelousjob .
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
11:13 AM
Friday, May 25, 2012
Post Modern Music Appreciation Club
This is Burzum performing Black Spell of Destruction.
Burzum, you may remember is the name chosen by Norwegian Satanic Death Metal/Neo-Viking psychopath Varg Vikernes for his solo act.
Originally Varg performed with Satanic Death Metal band Mayhem but he felt limited by Mayhem's format so he struck out on his own cutting solo CD's, burning historic wooden church buildings and murdering Mayhem founder Euronymous in cold blood.
Mayhem was also known for the 1991 suicide of singer Per Yngve Ohlin (stage name "Dead"). Dead locked himself into his room and blew his head off with a shotgun. Band leader Euronymous was the first to discover the body and spent some time contemplating and photographing it before calling authorities.
He also kept a piece of Dead's brain which he put into a stew and ate, so that he could call himself a cannibal.
You know, getting that all-important Satanic Death Metal street cred.
Below is a video of Mayhem performing the "song" Funeral Fog. This is a rehearsal and is the last recording of Dead "singing".
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
11:15 PM
What idiot came up with this whopper?
It was all over talk radio yesterday. A partisan economist wrote an article so dishonest that even Paul Krugman won't touch it. In it he manipulated data (outright lied) in order to show that Barack Obama has been one of the most fiscally conservative presidents in the history of the Republic.
To get the straight story I immediately went to John Lott's website since he is not only one of the best economists out there but one of the only ones with the ability to explain the "dismal science" in a way which is not only clear, but interesting.
I found that Dr. Lott had indeed crunched the numbers on this but had given the data to Ann Coulter for her column. So I present you Miss Ann's latest, with the heavy lifting done by our friend John Lott:
I'll pause here to give you a moment to mop up the coffee on your keyboard. Good? OK, moving on ...
This shocker led to around-the-clock smirk fests on MSNBC. As with all bogus social science from the left, liberals hide the numbers and proclaim: It's "science"! This is black and white, inarguable, and why do Republicans refuse to believe facts?
Ed Schultz claimed the chart exposed "the big myth" about Obama's spending: "This chart -- the truth -- very clearly shows the truth undoubtedly." And the truth was, the "growth in spending under
Note that Schultz also said that the "part of the chart representing President Obama's term includes a stimulus package, too." As we shall see, that is a big, fat lie.
Schultz's guest, Reuters columnist David Cay Johnston
Everybody's keyboard OK?
On her show, Rachel Maddow proclaimed: "Factually speaking, spending has leveled off under President Obama. Spending is not skyrocketing under President Obama. Spending is flattening out under President Obama."
In response, three writers from "The Daily Show" said, "We'll never top that line," and quit.
Inasmuch as this is obviously preposterous, I checked with John Lott, one of the nation's premier economists and author of the magnificent new book with Grover Norquist: Debacle: Obama's War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future
(I'm reviewing it soon, but you should start without me.)
It turns out Rex Nutting, author of the phony Marketwatch chart, attributes all spending during Obama's entire first year, up to Oct. 1, to President Bush.
That's not a joke.
That means, for example, the $825 billion stimulus bill, proposed, lobbied for, signed and spent by Obama, goes in ... Bush's column. (And if we attribute all of Bush's spending for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and No Child Left Behind to William Howard Taft, Bush didn't spend much either.)
Nutting's "analysis" is so dishonest, even The New York Times has ignored it. He includes only the $140 billion of stimulus money spent after Oct. 1, 2009, as Obama's spending. And he's testy about that, grudgingly admitting that Obama "is responsible (along with the Congress) for about $140 billion in extra spending in the 2009 fiscal year from the stimulus bill."
Nutting acts as if it's the height of magnanimity to "attribute that $140 billion in stimulus to Obama and not to Bush ..."
On what possible theory would that be Bush's spending? Hey -- we just found out that Obamacare's going to cost triple the estimate. Let's blame it on Calvin Coolidge!
Nutting's "and not to Bush" line is just a sleight of hand. He's hoping you won't notice that he said "$140 billion" and not "$825 billion," and will be fooled into thinking that he's counting the entire stimulus bill as Obama's spending. (He fooled Ed Schultz!)
The theory is that a new president is stuck with the budget of his predecessor, so the entire 2009 fiscal year should be attributed to Bush.
But Obama didn't come in and live with the budget Bush had approved. He immediately signed off on enormous spending
Obama also spent the second half of the Troubled Asset Relief Fund (TARP). These were discretionary funds meant to prevent a market meltdown after Lehman Brothers collapsed. By the end of 2008, it was clear the panic had passed, and Bush announced that he wouldn't need to spend the second half of the TARP money.
But on Jan. 12, 2009, Obama asked Bush to release the remaining TARP funds for Obama to spend as soon as he took office. By Oct. 1, Obama had spent another $200 billion in TARP money. That, too, gets credited to Bush, according to the creative accounting of Rex Nutting.
There are other spending bills that Obama signed in the first quarter of his presidency, bills that would be considered massive under any other president -- such as the $40 billion child health care bill, which extended coverage to immigrants as well as millions of additional Americans. These, too, are called Bush's spending
Frustrated that he can't shift all of Obama's spending to Bush, Nutting also lowballs the spending estimates during the later Obama years. For example, although he claims to be using the White House's numbers, the White House's estimate for 2012 spending is $3.795 trillion. Nutting helpfully knocks that down to $3.63 trillion.
But all those errors pale in comparison to Nutting's counting Obama's nine-month spending binge as Bush's spending.
If liberals will attribute Obama's trillion-dollar stimulus bill to Bush, what won't they do?
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
11:15 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Sticks and stones will break your bones
So don't say crap to people who might come at you with sticks and stones.
DENVER, Colorado (KUSA) - Police are investigating a vicious beating at a McDonald's drive-thru in Denver.
Seriously, no one deserves to be attacked this way even if they are the sort of insufferable busybody who takes it upon herself to scold total strangers over insignificant infractions (McDonald's pays people to clean up their parking lots).
Remember how the election of Barack Hussein Obama was supposed to mark the end of racial tensions in this country?
Wiser men (like Rush Limbaugh) pointed out that the result would be the opposite.
The reasons for this are fairly straightforward. Blacks have been raised with a very nearly bottomless sense of grievance and entitlement and a belief that white racism is so great and so deeply imbedded as to be ineradicable. The election of a black man to lead the nation - and not a conservative "Uncle Tom" but a genuine Marxist community organizer and devotee of Black Liberation Theology - provides the closest thing possible to absolute proof that America is not the racist hell-hole that it has been represented as.
This leads to the unwelcome conclusion that black failure is less due to white hostility than to black inability. This kind of epiphany will lead to one of two outcomes. Either introspection and reformation or red-hot rage.
Which outcome do you think that the black grievance industry is hoping for?
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
10:37 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I guess that Batman and Robin can get married now
It has been a good many years since I was into comics, and I haven't been into the DC universe since I was a small child, so I don't really care about this.
But, if I were black or gay I think I would find it insulting to be told that my sense of self worth could or should be influenced by a comic book publisher's decision to take a character that was created before I was born, before my parents were born in some cases, and make them gay or black.
Some of these comic book characters gave comfort and diversion to the nation's children (and more than a few adults) during the Great Depression and the Second World War. Is there no sense of shame at DC that would lead someone to consider that tampering with the fundamental identity of these iconic characters is a bad idea and deeply disrespectful to the multiple generations of fans who loved these characters just the way they were?
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
11:49 PM